A phrase to say in your Gym Class When your Playing Badminton, And horribly failing. And then say that you have won. (This shall piss the opposing team to be very pissed off at you.
Ugly stupid girl: Thats not how you play bitch, Now we got a free point.
Awesomely person: "Suck my Badminton." Bitchh! We fucking won GTFO.
Is an insult to express the annoyance/hatred you have put onto the person therefore they tell you to respectfully (or disrespectfully) suck your mother.
“Your so annoying, go suck your marj”
Balls that are of nice size and full but most importantly smooth as eggs, makes you excited n crave to suck his balls n cock.
Oh my what perfect suck able balls you have down there , please can I suck on them please?
the closest available place to procure a blowjob of any level of quality.
"Excuse me sirs, do you know where the nearest cock suck is?!?"
Telling a British personto go fuck themselves.
Go suck a lime you ignorant limey fuck.
When you are kissing someone and you start sucking in your air to create an almost vacuum seal with the other person.
Did you just do the Kylie Jenner lip challenge, your lips are looking plump?
No, I have just been using the eastern slope suck as my favorite make out method.