Slang phrase used predominantly in the north east United States to express disbelief, disagreement, being dismissive or any combination of the three.
Anthony: Yo Joey, I banged Georgina last night.
Joey: Get the fuck outta here!
When you have more than one fuck to give. You need a fuck sack.
A sleeping bag you fuck in.
Let me just check how many fucks I give in my fuck sack.
Hey gurl, wanna get in my fuck sack?
When a guy gets pegged and screams “OO OO AUGH AUGH~” while getting it in the ass
Alex: hey did you hear Owen is a fuck monkey?
John: oh.
If you ever do this while being pegged, please seek help.
Thank you.
Damn John it seems the cable guy fucked us again with his shitty cable management.
John - Yeah we got fucked.
when you fuck someone and when you cum you kill yourself.
this is considered illegal but its so hot!!
"i really love it when people suicide fuck with me, its one of my kinks!!!
ery6tujxhygrfedwmekfvjnbfenjkdicvjhbfrejfiv hbvfrebhufvhfbe bhfuvhfb 3ebhfvjfbrnfjvfnr 4rfnjvnfr 4rfnvjnf refnjvnf rfnv frnfjvn f nv fr fnjv bfrbhfvb 4brhfvu hbvbfeidnmfkvbjgnr4erjfivjhbf rfngjbgtnb54 rtbgjhgt rbghuhg tbghubhtr bfhbr bhfurh fhufrheb fbvhufrhevr fvhufrjnf vfnkre3nfb vfjeijrhfb jerhbgvfrjergbfjrkijfhbvfjdeiufhbvhfdieurhfbvnjkfirejhrbvf bcjdehfv bcdjwijehfbvfdjeiowijfbv fdnejdfbv
12we34f5egrh67jmi,o8iymtuytrefrtnhgubthvrfcenjbhy6fk fuck u hoe cdiuh5rndfiojc9uh49e8w0845tiuow32pq4hjeb5tkiw3uq029suw4fht5rjbvimodwu4by 5gjethfij9wjob4yf5egurj98w3oiurgtvjfuwiodjqp33iq2jop1behir3jlwruthi34urhtruie9urfhgbfhjdiswjednjsiwjhdbfcnxjkiudhfbcnjkdijhfbvnjdijfbrvfncjekjrfbdnjewiejfhvbjdifhbvfjdijfvhbfjdifv bfnjdifjb dewjifbv jciernf bhdiejnvjifjhbvhjciredhbfnjdijfnvfkoejn dfcjvijfnvghbijfnesjfvuhbvefjdbfvhjir4nbf tvhuirdenf rnjtv nj3en fnjioejn bfgivodcfsekjfgucydise4r5ythjuhbgvfhyug njri4eojfrhbvjcjrnj v v zdfirkfjtdgrf f tdgr gd rfdgthyjukiyfyhtgfdsxnb dvfhduysegdbrhjewgyufhdbn szxsdugfcvnrwiougtfmdwkeqjiopfbknmsdkpofigkjlrew;oijtkriothbfndjrthbgfnjrhtgvbchjdhrgtvbjdehrvfbncjdhrgbfncjiru5ytgvbnmckdei3u4yrgtbvnjckdeiu4yrgfbvnjckdeiurygvbncdmjkeiurytgbfncmxdkrit8guvjcmdj3u4ytgbvncjdksieurygtvfbcnjdksi3847yt5gv cmkdie8437yegvcbnjdiw9e8r7t6gfhdcnxmkse4875rytgfbvncmxksoei4u5ytgbvncmxkdirtygvbncmxkswi3847rygvh cjdei3847thgbvncjdie837yrfgvb nvjfei8476rtgfbvcjxs8w73ygb4rfgnjvb8fre7yhdbsnxmkoidurytfvcbnmkifr57ygrvfb njcide87yrgfv nfjkdieouyfgvc vcbdhuvh vvcbdheuiufhvbfnrejfvjnbfrn3kefjvb frnjifvhb fbrjeifb vfjiejbd cbjidej3b fvjifoej4r fvbjfrknfvofnb jiroe
it means im garbage at the game and put the blame on the game physics and im 9 years old and if my parents are home i would get wooped
*dies* BROOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!?!!?!