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Scum fuck Nicholas Wolf

A person (male or female) that takes the last of everything you hold dear to you (materialistically and emotionally) after already loosing everything you owned and built and loved in a house fire, leaving you and your children homeless, in a camper on the coldest day of the year (new years eve) with no propane, taking the last of your money, go fund me, vehicle, and phones and leaving state.

Example: "Did you hear about that guy? He likes to kick people when their at their lowest and leave them with nothing, he's a real scum fuck Nicholas Wolf.

That dude's a scum fuck Nicholas Wolf, he leaches off people and takes until there is nothing left to take and then leaves. What a pencil dick!

by Pussycatlover May 13, 2022

token fuck

Token fuck is when you get token fucked in your asshole by James Charles leaving a token shape in your ass

Holy shit that squirrel just got token fucked so hard

by Hitlers_Favorite_Jew ✡️ November 3, 2021

token fuck

Getting a good token fuck is when sister James fucks you nice and hard in the ass leaving a token shape in your asshole, after this you may experience having deer like shits

Holy shit that squirrel jus got token fucked in the ass

by Hitlers_Favorite_Jew ✡️ November 3, 2021


About 2 Tablespoons


No use crying over a fuck-load of spilled milk.

by SwamperSwampy July 28, 2018

Fucking Uphill

When you are banging a girl while standing up that is taller than you.

Tom: "I'd hit that standing up."
Steve:"How? She's like a foot taller than you."
Tom: "Easy. I'll be fucking uphill!"

by Djsparty May 11, 2010

National Fuck Juul Day

May 2nd. A week after 4/27, national juul day. This is a national holiday for people who hate big tobacco but still rip Juul.

"Yo bro did you know Malboro's parent company led a 13 billion dollar investment into Juul?"
"Fuck bro, good thing we have National Fuck Juul Day"

by theloserkid April 25, 2019

Fuck Toddler

Fuck toddler. You can use it in every situation when someone younger than you named "Toddler" becomes irritating.

Todd hits you randomly.

by Ruben Forsberg October 6, 2019