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Someone who excessively vapes and raves at 4 am instead of sleeping. He tells people he’s not gay but everyone knows he is and it’s so obvious

goddammit derek stop vaping when my moms around!! you keep making her think you’re gay

by mrawesome21 October 25, 2017

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The Derek Chamberlin

To suddenly look up from a task at hand in a surprised or confused manor, as per when your name is called or a noise catches your attention. Think much like a chipmunk who is startled whilst eating a nut and looks back and forth to discover what is near bye.

i totally did the derek chamberlin when i thought i heard a ghost slam my door closed while i was browsing bunnyteens.com

by Mr. Woodshop Teacher April 27, 2011

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

derek bloom

The awesome sexy drummer of 'from first to last'
he has the sexiest voice ever
and the sexiest smile
he is talented, and amazing, and cute as a button

"derek bloom had killer drumming last night"

"i know he's amazing, and have you seen his smile!"

by GunsGoBang July 11, 2006

80πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

derek jeter

Most well rounded player in baseball. Plays up to his high salary, will sacrafice his body to make a play. (diving into the stands face first) Hits for contact and power. Modest as hell and a pleasure to watch.

Dude, I saw Derek Jeter walking down the street and Baltimore, he asked me if I was going to the game.

Did you get his autograph?

Naw, Neither of us had a pen, but he was damn nice.

by Aaron S K April 13, 2006

424πŸ‘ 171πŸ‘Ž

Derek Fisher

One of the most judicious and agile point guards ever to play in the NBA. He is known for his ferocious defense, three point shooting, stealing, court vision, timing and most of all confidence. Derek Fisher is now in his second run with the Los Angeles Lakers having signed a three year contract. His teammates are always quoted saying he's one of the most chivalries gentleman off the court but an absolute tireless beast on it. Derek Fisher wears the jersey number #2.

Dumb Guy: The your teams confidence and flow has slipped a lot within the last 5 minutes of the third.
Lakers Fan: It's cause Derek Fisher is resting. They'll bring him in for the majority of the fourth, he'll nail some threes, give some unbelievable assists and we'll win.
Dumb Guy: Dude, I'm so stupid. Sorry.

by A'sweetin. May 21, 2008

73πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Derek Machado

An insult or a synonym for school shootings. Usually similar to a pedophile.

That nigga who shot up Parkland Florida on Valentines Day is a Derek Machado.

by RavenRCRaven February 13, 2019

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Going Derek

The act of sitting on your knees four inches from a (at least) 54" plasma screen tv for hours; usually, while playing video games.

While everyone was having fun at the party, Justin was going derek to get headshots while playing gears of war.

by Louis Flanders May 24, 2008

32πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž