A fan club for Travis Willingham. He does many voice acting. One of his most famous is Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist. From Roy's famous quote "Tiny Mini Skirts!" come their name. They are rivals of the Risembool Rangers.
To join one must look it up though you do have to pay to join.
MSA (MiniSkirt Army): We have state Alchemists
25๐ 4๐
The army alphabet is actually:
Alpha, BRAVO (not beta), charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet, kilo, lima, mike, novemeber, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, zulu.
ARMY Alphabet: Alpha Romeo Mike Yankee Alpha lima papa hotel alpha bravo echo tango.
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A faction of rogue soldiers that broke off from the Lolfleet in the early days of the Lolocaust. Often referred to as "Roflies" or "Rofl Waffles", they are the highly trained arch enemies of the famed Lolmarine battalion.
Lolmarine Alpha slowly snuck up and slit the Roflers neck with a lmaoblade, knowing that the reward for killing one of the Rofl Army was a nice cup of Lolmonade.
46๐ 10๐
\หรคr-mฤ -หrฤn-jษrs\
(Noun) A goup of badasses who make up an unstoppable force capable of withstanding a barrage of fists by Chuck Norris.
"Rangers Lead the Way" isn't just a motto, it's a fact. Each Ranger battalion is capable of deploying anywhere in the world with only 18 hours notice.
The Rangers' primary mission is to engage the enemy in close combat and direct-fire battles. This mission includes direct action operations, raids, personnel and special equipment recovery, in addition to conventional or special light-infantry operations.
The Navy Seals could not do that! Yeah, but the Army Rangers could.
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A fan club for rock star/guitarist Lance Arny of the band FLaw. Flaw was signed to Universal Records, sold half a million records and toured the world, playing many festivals, including OZZFEST. Flaw broke up for a couple years but they have since reformed and are back to dominate the airwaves.
flaw ozzfest modern rock guitars lance arny music fan clubs universal records
Sarah "Hey Tyler, I got my Arny Army welcome package in the mail yesterday."
Tyler "Awesome! That means I should be getting mine soon as well. What did you get?"
Sarah "I got an autographed picture, a guitar pick, stickers, and a button! I am so excited!!"
Tyler "Wow, I can't wait to get mine!"
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Friends of a clown that unite as one.
The delirious army has stopped the bully.
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The Latin interpretation of name Olivia and Oliver normally means olive tree, but it can also mean elf army. (Shakespeare used it in ''Twelfth Night'')
''That girl's name means elf army.''
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