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My future husbands.

Friend: How can you be so obsessed with BTS? You don't even understand Korean.
Me: Your dead to me now.........

by Jungkookie n' Taehyung July 24, 2018

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An abbreviated phrase, BTS stands for "Better than sex".

This blueberry delight is bts!!!

by Fenris Mau July 24, 2017

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gay group of korean boys who are emo and never shower and don’t wipe they ass. they give each other head and terrorizes america and other countries. they steal from a gas stations and sleep with each other and don’t give 2 shits about there health. they are drug dealers who are perverts. have a magical time listening to there shit music!

Irk: Hewr BTS
heyerdahl: i broke my phone because of them

by Queen Elizabeth the 9292 July 25, 2019

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A South Korean boy band made up of seven boys that have the upmost potential to steal your heart.

"Fam, did you see the new MV BTS just put out!?"

by LLawlietBTS August 14, 2017

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an acronym for Big Tiddy Suckers. the inspiration behind the name of that korean boyband

a: do you stan bts?
c: shut the fuck up yall big tiddy suckers

by fatkun October 8, 2018

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A gay group of 7 Korean Men. A boy band that your strange friend, adores! (A*s sniffing 😟). Producing terrible music and terrorizing America and Korea. most likely pedophiles. Very strange. Also known as a trot of emo dudes.

β€œHey friend! Ya know that gang called BTS?”

β€œYeah! Their music is complete sh*t!”

β€œI know right!”

by tiny_orb July 25, 2019

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A band that will CONSUME YOUR LIFE. You could just be wanting to figure out their names and before you know it you’ll be preordering their album, crying over their comebacks and fangirling over the littlest of things.

β€œDude did you see BTS’ performance?”
β€œYeah! It was great! I almost cried twice!”

by JamlessBoi June 16, 2018

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