Source Code


- lots of
It is a modern slang word, used by players and chavs alike, and known now by others.
Origionated from Redditch, a town in england just south of birmingham.

"yo man i got BARE gash comin to this party tonight"

"He's been gettin bare texts off her"

by ~Frosty March 15, 2009

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Bare With Me

meaning for someone to be patient w you not the fucking animal get it right bitches and you S Money

bare with me while i back out my shank

by lolololol362 November 2, 2021

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bare peak

A London slang alternative to 'very rude'
The more you elongate the bare, the more rude it is.

"Oi nah bruv, that was bare peak!"
"Oi nah mate, that was baaaaaaaare peak!"

by ragevanilla January 16, 2017

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barely blind

A sub-par, completely unoriginal "punk" band from Texas. Though they're somewhat talented musically, their music is extremely generic. Their primary fan base is teenage girls.

"OMG barely blind!!!! ahhhhh!!!" ~14 year old takes a picture with her phone~

by Deushia February 14, 2010

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bare beefage

Derived from bare, a term for much/many and beef, a term for a "problem" between two people or gangs. Bare beefage means that someone has got extreme amounts of beef with another person.

"I have got bare beef with you mate"
"Yeah well I've got bare beefage with you!"

by Slim Jim 3:16 March 19, 2005

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bare backing

term used by homosexual prostitues for intercourse without the use of a condom.

Temporalflux and I have mad bare backing love, yo.

by Blinker April 7, 2003

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Bares Lynn

Meaning Barely..you take the Bare from barely...add an S...then take the Ly and add NN... to make a funny termanology of the very plain word barely..into bares lynn

If you take away the S and the NN it makes barely... this can be done with many diffrerent words

Friend-(Says to Friend) Are you hungrey dude?

Friend- ehh, bares lynn


Girl- (Says To Friend).. do i look fat in this shirt?

Friend-..ehh bares, lynn

by Dacav5 August 13, 2009

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