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Barney Rubblism

The inability to text to the point where you're using a chisel...one tap at a time and it takes a millenium to reply.

The man took 20 minutes to text back "yes!" A slight case of Barney Rubblism at it's finest!

by Surfer1502 January 23, 2009

wet barney

An extremely moist fart.

*farts* “oh boy, that sounded like a wet Barney.”

by QuietSlipper April 20, 2020

Gio Barney

One of the greatest and most prominent content creators in 2021. Although Gio barney is commonly known for specialising in Minecraft videos he is also well known amongst the Instagram community for continually creating successful and original content.

Person 1: “Did you watch Gio Barney’s new upload?”

Person 2: “Holy frick, ofc I did, gio barney is one of my favourite Minecraft youtubers right now”

Person 1: “Couldn’t agree moar”

by PDF_FILES March 16, 2021

Gio barney

A rapeper known for rapeing the xxtentcation songs

“You know xxtentaction?”
“But do you agree dat gio barney a better raper?”

by PDF_FILES March 16, 2021

explosive barney

Diarrhea that is so bad it explodes out your ads-you have no time to get to a toilet. The Barney refers to Barney Roble as in the Flintstones and references the slowness of driving like the Flintstones when you have to shit right now!

OMG i ate that whole burrito with the hot sauce and now I've got explosive Barney--I need a barhroom NOW!

by Sgrcbe5 April 17, 2016

LIl Barney

Codeine because it’s purple and not brown, but
people still call it mud. I’m here to fix that.

Yo know that boy Kyle is always sippin Lil Barney right?

by Lil Geek May 1, 2019

barney skin

When you're tired as hell and the bags under your eyes are green and purple.

Rodney: Damn that bitch has mad barney skin!
Jeff: Did she even get any sleep last night?

by idontlovelittlekids November 10, 2015