Source Code

Camel Filters

The first filtered line of Camel cigarettes. Same cigarette as the unfiltered Camels, just in the 50's when cigarettes were proved to cause cancer, comapanies started to add filters to their cigarettes to filter some of the toxins out of the smoke. It also alowed for a smoother smoke. R.J Reynolds Tobacco just decided to add a filter to the regular Camel cigarette, hence the name 'Camel Filters'.

Underaged kid with no ID: Can i get a pack of Camel Filters?

Idian Cashier with thick indian accent: That will be $5.51

by death5089 May 24, 2008

149๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

Camel Toe

A shot consisting of 1 part Baileys Irish Cream and 1 part Cointreau. Original recipe developed by Fav.

Bartender: Hey Mac, the usual?
Fav: No make me a Camel Toe...and keep 'em comin' !
Bartender: Rough day?
Fav: Yeah. I got laid off, found out I got the genital warts, my wife is pregnant and to top it off, I am sterile.
Bartender: Next one's on the house.
Fav: Gee, thanks.
Bartender: Always good to see you Fav !

by Fav July 11, 2008

154๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

camel toe

when a womans pants are so tight or rolled up that you can see the shape of her pussy which looks like an actual camels toe

Whoa! her camel toe is eating her pants!

by Hehehe May 28, 2003

335๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flying Camel

As your gal is lying on her back and you are hammering her from your knees. You very carefully move forward and prop yourself (without using your arms) on your dick while it is still inserted in her vagina. You then proceed to flap your arms and let out a long shrieking howl much like a flying camel. Strictly a class move.

"My girl had to go to the girlie doctor today, I think I injured her last night doing the Flying Camel. Ouch!"

by Monkeyfuck McGrew January 13, 2005

647๐Ÿ‘ 259๐Ÿ‘Ž

Space Camel

An Alien Beast Of Burden That Lives In The Deserts Of The Planet Abydos.
From The Movie Stargate.

The Space Camel dragged Daniel Jackson around the desert.

by muppet_of_doom June 12, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Camel Spider

Latin scientific designation given to Jeremy Bakke's highly mutated pubic lice.

Jeremy's camel spider's once over took an entire sorority just by him leaving his boxers in the hot tub.

by Tanker.45 October 26, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

camel toe

when a females pants are so high you can see the chape of a camel's toe in the crotch region

by jew doctor January 27, 2003

157๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž