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The best cat you'll ever meet

Awww its cassie

by December 23, 2022


A fucking CHAV wears fake tan tries to be black thinks she is thick

"cassie is such a chav" Said Kayden

by OH ananan December 12, 2019


Cassie, The Pretty Girl Soo Trendy & Soo Fly.

Cassie, That Bad Boy Artist, Pretty Girl Soo Trendy & Soo Fly.

by September 25, 2023


Cassie, The Pretty Girl Soo Trendy & Soo Fly.

Cassie, That Bad Boy Artist, Pretty Girl, Soo Trendy & Soo Fly.

by September 25, 2023


Hot, Hot, Hot. Cassie will blow you away with her amazing looks. She has a big ego but with her intelligence, she lives up to it. If you talk to a Cassie, you will not be able to cope.

Guy one: Dang, she's hot
Guy two: Yeah, she's a Cassie.

by LEVITATING TUNA November 18, 2020


Cassie, the prettiest girl with the prettiest personality. A warm person that makes you feel loved and it’s always there for advices. Cassie is supportive and a really kind friend. Even tho u may not be that close to each other you just know that they’re gonna be there for u no matter what.

What’s Cassie doing ?”

“Cassie is a really good friend.”

“Is Cassie gay ?”

by Cuss November 22, 2021


a cassie is a very funny sexy beautiful friend who is always in shape. when your down she asks what is wrong and if you don't reply she'll threaten to harm u in a funny way. she is known to have the ass but she is known most by her beauty.

cassie is a very fun person to be with ❤️🥰 !

by cassie ordonez February 9, 2020