Yarding anal beads out in a quick jerking motion like starting a chainsaw.
Gave her the ole' flabby chainsaw last night and she damn near cried after she reckoned
Yarding anal beads out in a quick jerking motion like starting a chainsaw.
Gave her the ole' flabby chainsaw last night and she damn near cried after she reckoned
Yarding anal beads out in a quick jerking motion like starting a chainsaw.
Gave her the ole' flabby chainsaw last night and she damn near cried after she reckoned
The act of taking 20 naked hoes lives with an orange husqvarna chainsaw
Person 1: dude did you go to brian’s chainsaw party last night, it was awesome. Person 2: Nah I didn’t go but i gotta be there next time.
When somebody makes you so especially mad it gives you the sudden to urge to cut off their dick with a chainsaw.
M: Dude. When Atom was being rude in the gc it made me want to preform a dick chainsaw.
Male retaliative action to a female cutting a man's penis off.
Caught my girlfriend cheating, so I waited until she was asleep and began chainsawing a vagina off.