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A SPORT that consists of lifting other girls in the air that sometimes weigh less than 100 pounds, but usually are heavier. Not only do we lift these girls in the air, keep time, dance, be flexible, tumble, and LOOK GOOD WHILE DOING IT. Also, I'd like to see any of you yell, loudly, while tumbling, smiling and holding others in the air. However, many cheerleaders take games, where they cheer for their school's team, and must stay positive no matter how bad this team is losing, as a joke. It's just something that they're "required" to do to compete in their high school competition. Otherwise, they just join a non-school competition (all-star) team.
I agree, jumping around like an idiot is not a sport. Lifting people in the air that most of the time are barely smaller than you, tumbling, dancing and yelling for at least 3 minutes is. Members of other sports occasionally participate in conditioning, and possibly even switch over, because cheerleading is a more challenging SPORT. Come to a competition before you judge us and say that this isn't a sport. At least in football, if you drop what you're supposed to be catching, all you'll get is shit from your coaches and teammates. In cheer, if we drop the PERSON we're supposed to be catching, we get shit from our coaches and teammates, not to mention that the girl could get seriously hurt and even DIE.
Not all cheerleaders are sluts, whores, or stupid. More girls who participate in other sports participate in these "less than wholesome" activities. Also, the stereotype that cheerleaders are mean to people of other "cliques" is completely wrong. Firstly, everyone isn't best friends on the cheer team. Has anyone noticed that people are naturally friends with others who participate in the same activities as them? But, you don't see that stereotype for girls who play volleyball or volunteer together. Also, we don't hate others who don't act like us. Yeah, we get sick of some of the people on our team too, but at least we support them and have to ability to make friends outside of our "clique", unlike others who are extremely negative about people who dress differently/take the time to dress nice/don't slit their wrists! In fact, there's even one t.v. show where a high school girl wanted to try out for her school's cheerleading squad. In this particular episode, the girl, who would have been previously classified as "emo" received much more criticism from her boyfriend and friends and was much more accepted by the girls who were helping her to learn more about cheer. We don't pick our friends by who they make fun of or what they wear.

Person 1: Cheerleading isn't a sport. All they do is wear short skirts and be slutty. Not to mention their stupid.
Person 2: Why don't you try to do a roundoff back-handspring back-tuck back-handspring full? Not to mention you used the wrong 'their in your sentence. It should be they're, as in the contraction of they and are. Who's stupid now?

by SarahAL August 16, 2007

83๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of girls and sometimes guys that help rally the crowds at football games and other sports events. The cheerleaders can be very good friend, and others can be very mean, just like anyother group of people. Many cheerleaders though, don't think very highly of the band and colorguard, and make fun of us. While I'll admit that I would have trouble doing a back handspring and such things, they should really give us more credit. Alot cheerleaders say that spinning flags is easy. Most have never even touched so they shoulden't talk.

Did you see those cheerleaders' poms? They were pretty cool.

That cheerleader over there said that she could do my toss better than me. I let her try and the flag smacked her in the face.

by Renji-sama April 3, 2006

67๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who thinks she's super hot (but is actually very fake) and makes fun of all people she thinks are ugly/weird/dumber than her. She types with excessive letters and uses random symbols and strange words. She also must be anorexic to fit this description. Also see ditz or ditzy

Cheerleader 1 on IM: Ewwwwwwwww didd youu seee thatt uglyy neww girll.?.!.--
Cheerleader 2 on IM: Ii knoww.!.=) Whatt aa supaa loserr
Cheerleader 1: Butt att leastt weree hottttttttttttttttttttttt.!.@(#_
Cheerleader 2: Totess forr suree bestieeeeeee@(Q#%@(%@%($@*

by HANNAH!!!! January 7, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A squad that dresses in a uniform consisting of a pleating skirt and top (usually). They cheer for sports teams sometimes combining gymnastics in their routine. The question often asked is it a sport...
A sport is a "Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and engaged in competitively. " So to me competitive cheerleading is a sport, cheering for games is an extra curricular.

The Cheerleaders cheered for a game.

by Me January 21, 2005

144๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž


one part of a team who's job is to do something nearly impossible, and make it look like the easiest thing in the world...so the next time someone says that cheerleading looks easy, that just means the cheerleaders did their job.

other athletes lift weights, but cheerleaders lift athletes

by tonedd December 8, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sport that requires lots of hard work and practice. if you don't believe cheerleading is a sport, look up the defenition. you have to work hard. practicing jumps over and over again, stretching out your legs, stunting, working as a team. when you think of cheerleading, you think of the traditional highschool cheerleaders doing a rutine for the football game, but it is more then that. i'd like to see you try doing a roundoff backhandspring tuck. the definition of sport is something that requires more then one person to play, practice to get better at it, and ussually competing to get scored. why don't all of you who consider cheerleading not to be a sport go try it and suck it when you see that you fall on your ass.

i have cheerleading practice today, we are learning our rutine to go to nationals soon.

by misscheergirl June 30, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cheerleader is one who combines gymnastics, dance, yelling cardio, and jumping. Cheerleaders hold eachothers lives in their hands everyday and are underappreciated and stereotyped. Often, cheerleaders, are girls who show school spirit and motivate the players of the sport that she is cheering for.

I am in the top 10% of my class and am a damn good cheerleader who doesn't get under the sheets with every guy she sees so don't think all cheerleaders do. Although, i do happen to have a soft spot for football players!!

by sexicheerchic18 January 16, 2006

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