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Chocolate Squirties

A type of delicious squirticles made by the finest of poop

I love chocolate squirties

by Airborne999 April 9, 2018

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Street Chocolate

Poop, Crap, Shit, Fecal Matter left out on the street by bad pet owners or the homeless. Also a good name for a band.

A city with excess street chocolate has terrible citizens.

by sonzamonza March 9, 2014

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Chocolate Tuna

The name given to the act of going back and forth between licking the vagina and asshole on a female.

Guy 1: Yo man I heard you gave your lady a chocolate tuna!

Guy 2: Yeah man I did. She loved it when I went back and forth licking her pussy and asshole.

Guy 1: I'm going to have to try that on my woman tonight!

by RustyGoat August 12, 2012

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Chocolate Firework

When 2 grown men "scissor" and turn in such a way that their buttholes are touching. After that, they commence in synchronized shitting while jacking eachother off. This spectacle is climaxed by a fireworks show of creamy jizz.

Can you believe Brett and Ryan actually pulled off a Chocolate Firework last night? I didn't think it was physically possible!

by Fjord Haymo December 9, 2010

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Chocolate Milf

Used as a noun. Also considered vulgar. In black history terms, a black mother I'd love to fuck.

"Damn, look at that chocolate milf!"

by FUQ!!! September 25, 2009

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Amsterdam chocolate

slang term for hashish, but is occasionally used to describe very powerful weed.

Joe: Yo thats some nice amsterdam chocolate!
Bob: yeah I got it from my cleaning lady.

by IanMichG February 11, 2009

Chocolate Muncher

A White guy that eats out Black girls

Jack: "what's wrong?"
Ethan: "My racist dad found out I'm a chocolate muncher."

by Shm0ker February 3, 2022