Source Code

Clam chowder

Pour A bowl of mayonnaise lightly into a clitorous and use your pearly whites for a midnight snack.

I don’t like soup but man that’s one good clam chowder!

by Foourskin July 16, 2019

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Spam Chowder

A sexual act, when an uncircumcised man, not showering or cleaning the penis for a week, develops shmegma, then decides that it’s a good idea to get his dick sucked and cum in a woman’s mouth.

The woman then spits out the cum and Shmegma.
After, the man takes his meat stick (hence the spam) and mixes until chowder is made.
Bon’ apetit!

β€œ We we’re on the road, and Karen didn’t know what she wanted to eat, so i took her home and fed her some Spam Chowder.”

by SpamChowChow April 17, 2018

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Happy Chowder

The act of defecating ejaculation out of a rectum.

Sandy is voiding Johnny's ejaculation through her anus leaving Happy Chowder.

by A. Bendover September 14, 2006

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clam chowdered

pretty high off marijuana

will and i got clam chowdered off that mids today... it was halfway decent!

by sammer July 13, 2005

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when someone sprinkles their thick white semen over another person

"Mmmmm-hmmm I'm hungry. Will you chowder-powder me?"

by SirPschoSexy (Ben) April 28, 2006

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chowder pygmy

Non-sensical language spoken between steady showering partners.
Excellent way to converse while remaining "all fuzzy and stupid" for a bit after waking (no vocal inflections).

Galileo chowds to his soppy-wet sweetheart,
"boo, wouldja ooni doh canna-wanna", and Hibiscus rechowds, "anna moose razzer ketchya on the kay-bye",
ahhh, those magical chowder pygmy moments...

by Amy Cain June 27, 2006

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Clam Chowder

When a female sends you a picture of their vagina and they have crust white chunks all over her pussy.

" Dude this girl just sexted me giving me a serve of Clam Chowder. "

by sexy_boiiiiii January 17, 2010

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