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conor oberst

Singer of Brighteyes whom as of late, has seemed to become a sell-out with multiple appearances on MTV and the like.
At one point in time Conor was a heartfelt, emotional, deep, lyrical genious, but has suddenly started a downward spiral.

see Ben Gibbard, Anthony Green, Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, or Circa Survive.

Guy1>> man, conor oberst is hitting a wall with his new album.

Guy2>> yeah i know, what happened to the good stuff?

Guy1>> i think he realized that half of his audience were emo 14 year olds who dont understand half of the symbolism he uses.

by DAVYsan July 24, 2007

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Conor Wang

Really cute chinese boy. He's really good at making jokes and keeps making me laugh whenever I'm around him, even when im nervous. His laugh is really funny and he just brightens my whole day. Sometimes he'll even do a whole bit on being really chinese, but other than that he is a perfect man with nothing to hide.

Girl 1: I think I saw a dog wander into conor's house and i dont think it came back out
Girl 2: Yeah im pretty sure he ate it he is such a conor

Boy 1: I wish i could swap bodies with conor wang
Boy 2: Same!! He is dumb funny cute

by lizardbait2910 March 29, 2022

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Hannah and Conor

An excellent couple built from a strong friendship and undeniable bond or connection. They are attached at the hip and will always be connected in one way or the other, its an amazing pair that could never be dissed.

Damn, I wish I could have a Hannah and Conor type relationship.

by keyboardkrush May 5, 2018

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Conor Hughes

A person with the biggest dick you will ever see

That guy has a load of Conor Hughes in his pants

by conorhughes________--_--- April 25, 2016

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conor devlin

Conor Devlin is a large, hairy creature often found lurking around the pubs of Alton. Time has taken its toll on this poor fellow, you can tell this by looking at the wifts of gray in the slowly but shorely thinning black hair, and the sagging lumps on the chest refured to as 'moobs'. The ungodly being is known to have an incurable disfunction in his vocal and physical reactions, otherwise known as 'a spastic'. You can not miss this catastrophic view from a mile away due to the obviously large head that is believed to be a signiture to all of its kind. (E.g any siblings it might have) One last, but important thing, if you are unlucky enough to come into contact with the Conor, stay well clear of his rear passage, as toxic gasses of deadly copasity have been known to steal the oxygen right out of the victim, and any unfortunate passers by. Good luck.

I saw an unsightly creature on monday, i believe it was a 'conor devlin' and as i walked behind it to avoid eye contact, it turned towards me, raised an eye brow and looked to be straining and confused, then all of a sudden an overpowering smell crawled down my throut and stole the oxygen right out of my lungs. I woke up with nothing but the memorie of this horrible day.

by ringsting2010 December 17, 2010

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conor oberst

I very gay guy who does nothing but cry all day and turn it into songs. his music is so emo ppl want to kil themselves for what he "goes through"

oh and hes also Haleighs hubby...

conor oberst is a bisexual emo guy who hates haleigh.

by Ennis April 13, 2005

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conor donovan


Dude did you see Conor Donovan he is such a nigger

by XOwOX February 12, 2019

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