People with wide load vaginas. Who make constipated faces while having sex 😂
That girl was such a constipated fuck. Never again will I make love to her
When a political figure in a high office, (i.e.; The President) tries to push for some sort of change but is unable to due to opposition from the opposing party.
The President has political constipation since he can't get new regulations to pass in Congress.
It's when you really need to burp but can't & hold it in, only to get constipated cause you just really need to let it out
I should have burped when I had the chance, now I have burp constipation
1. So full of shit nothing credible can get in.
2. Just won't let go of the bullshit.
Usually caused by propaganda and or confirmation bias.
He's mentally constipated in that he still believes regardless of fact, the election was stolen.
Not being able to take a shit
Yo I be sitting on the toilet for hours.
Oh yea, you a constipated baby