A website where people go to rant about things that they have no clue whatsoever about. Here's the way it works most of the time: Person stumbles upon UrbanDictionary.com. Person becomes angered at others' definition, clicks it down. Person writes their own definition of the same word that they looked at, condescending everything that person said. Repeats process.
I just finished posting something on Urban Dictionary. I don't know what I'm talking about of course and I'm so biased that I suck at life.
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what wikipedia would turn into if it wernt for those admins and ppl with no life
A: man urban dictionary ! is full of shit
B: yeah thats wat u get when u let a whole bunch of 16 year-olds put what they want on the net
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Often used as a term referring to the act/practice of constantly looking up words on Urban Dictionary. Particularly obscenities or slang heard or read from any place, movie, book, blog, etc, to use in regular conversations.
Girl #1: Hey, what're you doing?
Girl #2: I'm Urban Dictionarying
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is a blog where words that are rejected by urban dictionary editors are submitted and posted
guy #1: i got my word rejected by urban dictionary editors
guy #2: you should just submit it to unurban dictionary blog at unurbandictionary.blogspot.ca
guy #1: okay, i definitely will. thanks man!
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Urban dictionary's evil dictionary
Plot twist: urban and rural dictionary are the same motherfuckers
Formerly known as UrbanDictionary, UrBiasedDictionary is a website that used to not really be politically motivated, but got invaded by spineless SJWs who are salty about Donald Trump.
Person A: Did you see UrBiased Dictionary's WOTD?
Person B: Yeah it's like the 10th day in a row they had a negative Trump one. Still waiting for a negative Hillary one.
The act of creating an Urban Dictionary definition, making the word a common male name, and putting things like "super sexy" and "has a 13 inch cock" in the description.
Did you know that Urban Dictionarying has been around as long as Urban Dictionary?