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Final Realms

Final Realms is a message board frequented by imbalanced people. Some noteworthy people who post there are a perverted Canadian, a guy from Indiana who has a strong desire to be liked, a guy who likes to start fires and Mr. Chris.

Also see Chris Martin.

Kyle: I'm gonna go post on www.finalrealms.com in a little while. You should join, Dave.
Dave: Final Realms is so bad-ass, I think I will.

by Kyle January 3, 2005

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Final Legacy

When you know your about to be killed in a online shooting game so you drop a grenade as he kills you so you can get one last kill

That boi just did a Final Legacy

by Big lipped butt April 29, 2020

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Final Kamehameha

Super Vegito's ultamate attack, he crosses his arms across his body then bring each hand to a side and then cuppes them and finaly realeses the energy in the same way as a Kamehameha

Super Vegito: Final Kamehameha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by dbz master August 10, 2009

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final fantasy

Dopamine agonist for males between the ages of 14 and 89. The prevalence of this disorder is speading to include females between 12 and 40 who claim to be 22 and busty. All who are affected by FF Syndrome must have 6 of the following symptoms for at least 3 months to have a valid diagnosis:
1.) Interpersonal problems- partners leaving, missed parties, absenteeism at major family gatherings
2.) Neglect of personal hygiene to sustain level or 'party'
3.) Spending over one hour per day at play
4.) In severe scenarios, spending 4-40 hours straight at play
5.) Missing school or work to play
6.) Professional sanctions because of play
7.) Spending more money on game than other significant needs such as food, hygiene, medicine, or childcare
8.) Emotional distress based on illusion that FF Syndrome's characters and losses are real life

If you suspect that you or someone you care about has FF Syndrome, there is help. Sufferers of FF Syndrome should save the money he or she was going to get on the faster mother board and graphics. He or she should then shower, brush teeth, put on clean clothing (run laundry first if needed), and call and apologize to family/significant other/friends. Next, call the mental health service number on the back of his or her HMO card if applicable. If not, get in touch with your local FIAA and ask for Mental Health Medicaid. Gaming is a treatable addiction, do not be afraid to get help.

Jason plays final fantasy 17 hours a day. Jason's office reaks of body odor and has not been cleaned in several weeks. His friends and mother have called but he has not answered on account of his parties. He is considering working for final fantasy instead of at his job selling houses. Because of FF Syndrome, Jason has been late and absent from work several times. Jason fasts, not for religious reasons, but to play more final fantasy. When Jason does contact former friends, it is to tell them about his new graphic system and his cool gear he earned with FF. These situations have been occuring for the past five years.

by Zerrubabel November 12, 2007

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final destination

a situation which presents ample opportunity for a freak accident to take your or another person in close proximity's life

Dude, I was driving on the highway behind an old white van with a rusty ladder attached to the top with a frayed bungie chord. I was freakin out cause it seemed pretty frickin "final destination" but I'm alive so I win. F you Death.

by CT Shtank Face August 8, 2009

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The Final Countdown

The closing moments before something big happens.

Person 1 β€œDude it’s the final countdown before T-series passes pewdiepie in subscribers! Why haven’t you subbed to Pewds yet?!”
Person 2 β€œI’m so sorry i didn’t realize it was so close! I’m gonna go subscribe to him on YouTube right now.

by thehamwithcheese March 4, 2019

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final deacronymization

Expanding the last letter of an acronym to the full word it represents. This satirizes the phenomenon of "internet short-hand."

Common uses of final deacronymization: D.I.Yourself, B.Y.O.Beer and F.Y.Information

by zonny October 12, 2009

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