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Flow Era

An era where everything in your life is going right, your energies are aligned with your wishes and goals, an era where you feel complete

I am feeling great, this is definitely my flow era!

by Lu0 March 28, 2022

Love flow

The flow of love between two people, especially overly dramatic emo kids that practice mutual cutting. Also a river in Tibet.

Man, that love flow is making me sick.

What river is this?
Oh, its the Love Flow!

by Jonathan Tan January 12, 2008

Flow Hoe

A Flow Hoe is a woman that chases men that are known for their "flow" aka douchebags who are obsessed with their longer hair and usually play contact sports.

Damn, did you see that Flow Hoe last night? She lost her shit when the hockey team came in for the half-off apps at Apple Bee's.

by ATY77 January 28, 2022

Stalling the flow

When there is work to be done, yet all you do is joke around.

Person 1: "Hey did you finish the advanced factoring of Calculus Polynomials??"

Person 2: "Hey man remember that time at the fair when you puked?"

Person 3: "Dude, you're stalling the flow."

by ZeroBallGravity September 8, 2010

upward flow

A flow that goes upward

The opposite direction of a water fall would be a upward flow.

by Why are you here November 19, 2020

flow jesus

When a christian boy has long flowing hair.

"Yo flow jesus i like your hair!"
"Ay thanks man"

by Flow Jesus February 27, 2022

Flow Woe

Menstruation blues

Andee won’t be coming, she has flow woe’s”

by Dalthecreator September 24, 2019