A common phrased used when someone says something stupid.
Stupid person: The sky is blue
Smart Person: Nah bro fr?
fratello fra / tello,
In italian "fra" means "bro".
if we change the "atm" with the "tello" at the end of the phrase
There you have fra🏧 that means if translated to italian
"homie that exchanges flashlights/dildos with you"
Example "Ay fr🏧, wanna do some shit with your dildos later? Its gay only if you want to"
A tradition of calling out of work, avoiding responsibilities, and not being where you should be. The belief is that if you are out of place and high misfortune won’t find you.
Hey, we’re calling out tomorrow, roasting some bones, and heading downtown for Fr-HIGHday the 13th. You in?
FR-UAMSR, formerly known as OTTNCP, is a group consisting of strictly Anti Monster School members.
FR-UAMSR must stand against what? Retards. Sorry for the cap
i cant lie this pisses me off so much are you for real right now just shut your bitch ass up please idgaf at all on george washington
Hawk 1 : r u srs rn vro
Hawk 2 : uhh
Hawk 3 : icl ts pmo sm r u fr rn js sybau pls idgaf atl ong
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