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genital lock


Last night, they were found in a hot genital lock in the seaside resort.

by uttam maharjan August 18, 2010


The vast genital region in both male and female genitalia

Man walks ip to the urinal “ don’t be peakin at ma genits!”

by MB83 May 28, 2022




by Genit December 11, 2021

Mad genital

A Mad Genital happens during coitus, the man or woman lights their pubic hair on fire, and slaps it across their partner's face.
sex rusty trombone cleveland steamer hot carl

I just Mad Genital'd my girlfriend. She suffered 3rd degree burns, and is also suing me.

by The Devil's Boobies June 3, 2016

Genital Customization

A person who chooses to get transition surgery.

A person on YouTube got genital customization after showing a video of their transition from woman to man.

by jondich May 4, 2024

genitally challenged

derogotory term to describe any individual whom would be considered as to be not normal

he wouldnt have the balls to do that, he's genitally challenged..he must be genitally challenged if he can still sing soprano in the choir...dont confuse her with a lady, she's genitally challenged...is that really my child he seems genitally challenged...hey mate apparently ol mate couldnt get an erection last night, the bride reckons he must be genitally challenged.

by aneles March 28, 2012


Results of what happens when two consenting adults allow their private parts to dance cause it takes two to do it


by JIMBOC2005 October 17, 2020