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sadie sink

sadie sink is insanely beautiful and derves all the love on earth!she is vegan and cares so much about other ppl <33 her acting skills are also great which you can see in stranger things! she's just so cute i love her

"sadie sink is great!!"

"i know right??she's awesome asf!"

by juneybooney November 11, 2021

Sink Salsa

dank pureed tomatoes, onions, and peppers left in the garbage disposal from last nights dinner.

guy number1:

"hey man! want some chips to go with this sink salsa???"

guy number2: "heeeeeck naa"

by WeirdlyLizzie June 29, 2011

Sink Boy

Usually a Punjabi male who lives at home with his parents, no ambition, no money, and has an overprotective mother who still does his laundry and cleans his room. Sometimes it could be viewed as some what of a oedipus complex.

Baepreet: Bruh, Chandi is such a sink boy.
Baeminder: Yeah, his mom just fed him some kheer.


by Jasmine October 21, 2014

cum sink

better to cum in the sink , then to sink in the cum.

Person 1: "Hey did you hear Dylan sank in the cum"
Person 2: "Guess he didn't cum sink"

by Cummybottomboi December 17, 2020

sink wizard

Derived from "wizard" which is used in place of "taking a wizz" or peeing. The sink wizard is when there's no toilet backstage, only a sink. Urination happens in the sink, thus summoning the sink wizard. Coined by the US death metal band Cannibal Corpse in the DVD Global Evisceration.

The toilets were disgusting so I summoned the sink wizard.

by AshKetchumsPubes May 3, 2017

sink salad

Colourful detritus left in the sink strainer after the washing the dishes.

"Dude, that chilli con carne sink salad is super bling, yo!"

by phacochoerus April 25, 2021

Sink Twink

A Man that is identified as a Twink/Femboy and is small enough to fit in a sink or any small area

“Hey, Mvsk remember that time when Basil sat in his sink. He’s such a sink Twink

by MaskedFace July 12, 2022