poetic sound waves that infect your ears...
adLib, Eksurpt, djdistrakt
It goes 1, 2, 3... adLib and eksurpt emcees...
The only way for the ear-canals to be massaged. Music underneath the surface in duration to arise to affect the world of hip.hop
apos.trophe, UrthTone, DJ Distrakt.
Passion for life. Exposed to new thoughts, while leaving your backround of attention caught in a glimmer of hope. Follow, we'll lead. Independent Tongue Warmers.
A top laner that doesn't cry for ganks or look for excuses as to why he or she can't win lane. Instead these types of top laners focus on winning lane despite whatever odds through sheer skill.
This massive garen on my team called "LookOutForNinjas" won top all by himself without any additional assistance what a strong independent toplaner! I bet he gets all the women when his team isn't throwing games.
From 3531 B.C. to 3526 B.C. Earth Years on Nanothuama, the Iminarian Government wanted to claim independence from the CL Empire. The war was fought on the Eastern CL Front. After a while the war seemed pointless and CL just gave them their independence.
Today we will learn about the Iminarian-Independence War.
Young independent contract , when someone places a known cash bet in which there is big stakes. Can also be Young Independent contractor which is the individual who writes up the contract of the high stake moneyless bet
Yo can you pattern the Young Independent contact ca it need to be done my Guy
Say nothing my bro
Young independent contractor can be signed big man
Person 0: I would have to tap the declaration of independence 📜 And Print Out The Coat Of Arms Three Times.
A fine ass anime tiddy bitty named Tabatha who’s apparently pretty good with her hands.
“Damn why is everything always falling apart around here? My doofenshmirtz inatorinator just blew to smithereens….whateva I’ll just buy a new one.”
“You must not have a strong independent woman around to fix it for you. Crying shame.”