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Battlegrounds Mobile India

Pubg Mobile but with a different name published in India. Same cancer of a game still. Game that you play because you are too poor to buy a Gaming PC/Console. Played by "Chapris". A game that Indians make montages of with random loud Non Copyrighted Music and begs for random people on Instagram to share it. Game that makes teenagers choose youtube as a job and regret their life later.

1. Bijubon - Omg PUBG MOBILE is back in India as Battlegrounds mobile India. Can't wait to play it again.
Aryan - We are no longer friends sorry bro
2. Krishnan - Can you share my Battlegrounds Mobile India montage bro ?
Joydeep - I am blocking you "Chapri"

by Shihiro Taiyo May 22, 2021

Turtlecore India

Turtlecore represent the volume of nothig to something and something to everything because Turtle is slow but because it has a consistency and this is revolutionary in this word and its the core values of Turtle Core and core value are the very big part of any situation if your core value you have you can give your best at any situation in web development we use this defination to our business.

Consistancy Turtlecore India

by Pradhumen Singh April 30, 2024

India Flu

India Flu, Also known as Bharat Influenza, is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs, which are part of the respiratory system. The India specific strain is a persistent variant that can drag on for months or years and is indicated by a near constant cough.

The primary method of contracting the India (Bharat) strain of Influenza is by working near or around India.

The first and most important step in preventing India Flu is to constantly spray Lysol around your desk and keep a mist of Lysol in the air around you.

John came home from work with a severe case of India Flu.

by Central Lexicologist November 30, 2024

india joyce

noun: meaning child predator, beware of all india Joyce’s they might eat you. signs you have met an india joyce include, big bunda, bestie called molly and very loud

oh my god look over there it’s an india joyce!

by moll xoxo December 22, 2020

Who are the cutest couple in india ?

Mr faisu and Jannat Zubair


Who are the cutest couple in india ?
Fainat are the Cutest couple !

by Social Media Expert December 6, 2021

india makin

Is a amazing girl that will always make you laugh

She’s a shy girl and never said a mean thing

She is a laugh to be around and is loved by so many <)

India makin is a shy girl

by Ruby’s gf Harry June 30, 2021

1👍 2👎

India Da Barbie

very beatiful all the guys want her and all the girls want to be like her . She is so popular shawty dope

She look like a india da barbie bro

by Indiadabarbie June 18, 2018