Source Code


Used at call centers as a way to ignore and skip calls and pass them on to your coworkers

man steve was Jeremying all day

by Demonol April 4, 2008

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Jeremi is a talented young fella'. Amazing at sports and getting the ladies. Jeremi's tend to be homophobic, but don't agree with such hatred, and claim that they just don't like gay people which pretty much sums up what the meaning of being a homophobe is. Jeremi likes ass, fried chicken with a side of crispy fries, especially from KFC. He eats so much but is still a skinny twig.
He also has an amazing taste in fashion. Jeremi also buys new shoes monthly, but his friends disagree and claim he is broke, but trust me Jeremi ain't broke.

Jeremi is so hot! His shoes are so peng. Let's hang out with Jeremi

by jrmijeremijrmi November 4, 2018

67πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Jeremie is a tall sweet black nice guy he is very sweet lovable and good in bed with the ladies he also has HUGE dick that all of the girls love you could marry him just for that big DICK and he is good at sports

Oh my god!!!!! Do you know the big dick guy his name is Jeremie

by Williamsonlov March 14, 2019

60πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A smart and likeable boy/man who is rather charming and talented in all sorts of ways. Compassionate and loves people more than anything. God is his mentor and is obedient in all sorts of ways. He is hardworking and determined. He is a shy guy and is destined for greatness

" That is a starling boy... Surely a jeremy"

by tlita jk December 20, 2016

59πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


also named "mr perfect" he is the sweetest nicest guy ever and he is drop dead gorgeous and sexy and has a very large penis hes great in bed and loves to be rough but at the same time dominated hes an all around amazing guy and the best at baseball and is my boobear<33

"damnnn i wish he was more like jeremy"

by rssprincess January 4, 2010

2126πŸ‘ 1297πŸ‘Ž


someone born with a huge penis/brain

i wish i had a jeremy

by kingbroyolo2 November 3, 2013

47πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


a very funny, caring guy. a jeremy is a great friend and you should never lose him because they will stay forever. he is literally the cutest little thing ever. if he loves you he will love you for a long time. he is so fun to hang out with. he doesn’t tell any secrets. he is just an amazing person. any girl would be lucky to have him as a significant other. jeremy will make you laugh so hard but at the same time he can make you sad. he is usually pretty tall. he’s very very smart it’s amazing. if you have a jeremy in your life tell them how you feel and keep them close. trust me you will regret losing it. :)

β€œJeremy!!!!! come here i need to tell you a secret”

by yaga123456789 August 14, 2019

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž