Source Code

It's Just Tim

A short phrase for attempting to explain unexplainable people, named Tim.

Dude 1:"What the fuck is up with that dude?"
Dude 2:"Don't ask, It's Just Tim."

by Norko7&1/2 February 26, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

just sauce

Just sauce

No ketchup
Raw sauce

Just sauce

by SaraLovsWhenBarteatsherEar October 31, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's just ignorant

A term used when something is just not right or offensive. Can be used to tell someone your don't agree with their opinion or your generally don't like what they had to say.

dude 1 : I just thought you would like to know I'm seeing your ex.

dude 2 : That's just ignorant !!

by TV CAR June 28, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

just friends

Situation when a female doesn't want to pursue a relationship with a male because he is too nice to her.

Peggy just wants to be friends with Al.

by D February 17, 2004

483๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

just friends

A phrase that if spoken to you means one thing:
The person who said it does not deserve to have you as a friend because they cannot overcome their own ignorance.

Guy: So do you want to go out with me?
Girl: It's a nice thought but I'd rather we were just friends...
(at this point guy starts walking away)
Girl: Where are you going?
Guy: I'm doing you a favour, we both know that I'm better for you than any of your so- called boyfriends- I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of running to me when it falls apart...
(sometime later the girl's boyfriend cheats on her, she learns a lesson, but will go back to dating equally ignorant people)

If anyone ever says this to you, walk away: you deserve better even if it means letting them go...

by Firelovesugar May 5, 2011

266๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

just sayin

A phrase used to indicate that we are not about to justify what we just said with facts. When used excessively, especially in online situations, can lead to much aggravation, with the end result being a head slap to the party or parties overusing this phrase.

person1: Yo, I've been running uber hot lately
person2: No doubt, that was some sick beats you put on that donkey.
person1: Yeah, he was a real poser, He prly thought I was such a deutschebank! ROFLMAO!
person2: Hey, that's not nice, calling him a poser.
person1: Hey, I'm just sayin.
person3: That's it, I'm about to do some old school name callin, get 3 bars ivory soap and a dirty sock and slap one of yous right upside the melon. And I'm serious, you don't see no happy emoticon this time.

by donkey kick November 9, 2007

148๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Just sayin'

a phrase used to diffuse any ill feelings caused by a preceded remark.

sort of like a mentos.

"dude, your bitch has cankles...just sayin'."

by Yurhiness May 16, 2007

620๐Ÿ‘ 277๐Ÿ‘Ž