Kara-jane is the best girl ever she will always keep u laughing and is the best cuz to she is a little stupid sometimes but that's okay she is the best and so amazing and will fight someone if that insult you
Get your self a girl like kara-jane
A tall ass girl with a nicotine addiction that does stupid stuff when she’s drunk and wakes up with bruises having no idea how she got them. She do be cute doe. Momento Mori
Yeh, i met a kara jordaan last night, Doner that girl is crazy.
she is a good mommy but can be a bad mommy like a devil. shes christian and holy
You are such a kara gomes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abartılı durumları tanımlamak için kullanılan söz öbeği.
"100 Lira mı? Kara bibinin dibi!"
Lovely girl, doesn't do anal unless forced or drunk.
Mate her holes like a rubix cube.
Aye she is a kara dorman
They’re besftriends with completely different personalities. Kara is an amazing beautiful girl so happy and positive about life, won’t ever let you down always trying to make the world a better place, not to mention she’s incredibly hot and funny, she’s all you could ask for. On the other side with have her besfriend Sofia this girl who is honestly head over hills for her, she loves her like there’s no tomorrow and pretty sure she can’t live without a Kara in her life, she’s might me a little bit moody sometimes and act like she doesn’t care sometimes but when it comes to Kara let’s tell the truth, she’s as soft as a marshmallow. She’ll do anything to make her bestfriend happy.
The truth is this girls just complete each other and nothing will ever brake their friendship.
Those girls are amazing looks like they’re besfriends.
You know their names?
Idk but they must be Kara and Sofia can’t never brake them apart.
The type of girl to yell at you for eating up all the food in the house but be stashing hella food under her belly rolls
Kara Duskin ate all the sausages but got mad when I ate some bacon.