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Lily is a beautiful goddess. She has wavy brown hair and a beautiful smile. Wherever she walks, she radiates positivity.

Wow! Did you see Lily today? I wish I had her hair!

by potatopancake22 March 20, 2019

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Lily is an cool but smart girl. She is a very undecicive girl but if you pick her something she will be very grateful. You can fight her but I wouldn't because she's tough and she can and will floor you. She's quite a tomboy and cares about the boys she plays with despite play fights. She has good girl friends as well and they are lucky to have her. She is ambitious but anything she wants to do, she can do. She doesn't know how to control her feelings and usually only tells her closest friends, she is kind and welcoming and can help if you need it, but you usually can't help her because sometimes you don't know what's going on in her head. She's crazy and the more she does the more confident she gets. Support her and help her, stick with her because you're lucky to have her, and she feels lucky to have you.

Lily is amazing

by 1379731 December 22, 2018

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Lily is a sweet, caring and gentle hearted girl. She will always stand up for you and will never let anyone take advantage of you. She is great at keeping secrets so you can tell her anything that’s on your mind and trust that she won’t let it out. Lily is talented, beautiful and kind. She will do anything to make her loved ones happy. If there is a Lily in your life, be kind to her. She doesn’t get angry often but when she does, she goes into her shell. Be patient with her, and she will tell you everything that is bothering her. Support Lily when she is feeling down, and if you have a Lily in your life, cherish your time with her, it can be limited. Lily is very likeable and you can’t help but be her best friend and you will never lose your friendship with Lily.

β€œHey there’s Lily!”
β€œShe’s so sweet”

by YaKnow_Stuff February 19, 2019

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lily is someone who does things solely for the meme. she's generally has a crude sense of humor and makes offensive jokes. also calls people sluts

have you heard lily's joke yet?

yah, comrade she called me a slut.

by blairec November 16, 2019

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a female specimen attracted to grantman

lily likes grantmans penis

by chubbie boners October 14, 2019

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Lily is the most beautiful and amazing girl. She had a smiled that could pierce anyone's heart and melt them to pieces. She has eyes that sparkle like the sun and laughter to make the sun shine brighter. You can tell her about any of your insecurities and she will listen for hours if she has too. She'll constantly remind you how wonderful you are even if you don't feel that way. When you have moments like that, she'll make sure to make you laugh so hard your crying away any of your original sad thoughts. Lily is calm and collected but a great listener. She sticks by her friend's sides to make sure they also get the same attentions he gives the person she is closest too/dating. Although she has her flaws, she is almost perfect. She goes out of her way to keep others happy including the people she dates and her sexuality.

Person A: Lily is wonderful!

Person B: If only you knew how much more perfect she is!

by SmylBean February 13, 2019

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Lily Is a artistic person with a love for animals and nature. Lily also gets hyper off the smallest of things and always says what first goes in her head. Lily is flirty and is also part of the LGBT community.

Lily loves the nature

by Matilda 02 June 17, 2019

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