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The KFC Mafia

Is a Mafia consisted of 3 team memebers(Joe,Mark, Rene) of KFC. Founded in 2003 in National City, CA (8th Highland), The KFC Mafia is known to drink lots of Liqour(Budwesier is the offical Beer of the KFC Mafia) and cause havoic. The KFC Mafia is is no longer active, but the the Name will live on.
The KFC Mafia members was raising hell last night!

The KFC Mafia was raising hell yeserday!

by joelar March 25, 2008

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

russian mafia

very orgonized mafia identified by their wrecklesness,good cars,techno music,black close,ak 45,and an unusual
amount of vodka bottles left on the crime scene.

be aware of the russian mafia

by sema russ March 11, 2004

412πŸ‘ 225πŸ‘Ž

gay mafia

Group of socially powerful gay men (mostly) and women who dictate fascistic definitions of gayness including clothing, mannerisms, haircuts, political views, hot clubs and which blonde anorexic is the twink du jour. twink gayness

The Gay Mafia boycotted that cafe and made it close down.

by Anonymous September 26, 2003

104πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

atheist mafia

A non-existent organization believed by some fundamentalist Christians to push the "anti-Christ secular agenda". The term has been adopted by many atheist regulars in the Religion and Spirituality section of Yahoo! Answers, and is usually abbreviated as "AM" and added to screen names.

Using the phrase 'Happy Holidays' is part of a plot orchestrated by the atheist mafia to remove Jesus Christ from the holiday season.

by Charlene Ryan January 2, 2008

100πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

PH Mafia

We make monies.

Every night is our night.

Jenny - "There is puke and broke glass everywhere"
Paul - "must of been PH mafia"
Jenny - " W-what the?"
Paul - "You just don't get it do you"

by Kwixo May 30, 2008

242πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

trenchcoat mafia

The Trenchcoat Mafia was just a gropu of friends who started wearing trenchcoats as a result of one of the member's mothers buying one for him. The other members followed it because they liked the look. They were dubbed the Trenchcoat Mafia because someone had insulted them with the term and instead of seeing it as an insult they embraced it. It was also the group that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were associated with. Contrary to popular belief they were NOT members. They happened to be friends with on of the members, Chris Morris. The Trenchcoat Mafia was used as a scapegoat in the wake of the Columbine shootings. And even though Klebold and Harris wore trenchcoats on the day of their attack, they did not wear them regularly.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were not members of the trenchcoat mafia.

by Nnnnnnnnnn June 11, 2005

143πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

Panther Mafia

Group of old people with no lives who harass others because of the look of their cars. Unfortunately, a big, large group full of crackheads, assholes, no-life’s, & criminals.

They β€œoutfit” their cars with shit modifications and hate Law Enforcement yet they drive ex-cop cars, hypocrites right?

Panther mafia needs to be demolished

Look at those assholes, they call themselves panther mafia.

by Fuck panther mafia, get a life June 11, 2019

86πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž