A rich Wall Street elitist running as AOC's primary challenger. Probably the type of guy to browse Reddit all day and smugly tell people : "You don't even know basic economics bro!!! How are you going to pay for it?!!!".
Marty Dolan is just a rich Wall Street dude who doesn't get it; vote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on June 25th to support real progressive change!
The local Newry street legend. He is well known in Northern Ireland and is often seen in all weather roaming the streets of Newry. His trusty steed is a bridge-end bike that's at least 600 years old. Legend has it that his Nike trainer is still in the canal and that whoever gains possession of this magical item will be granted the powers of Marty himself.
He has many accolades such as an Ulster Novice Champion at Handball (Later winning many senior titles at handball through Ireland) and a world-renowned sexiest man award under his sleeve and has the most luscious beard since Zeus. Some people have mistaken him for Santa Clause due to his perfectly cut trim and his almost hulk-like muscle tone.
You can now find Marty in both his trusty bike around the town and has a beautiful mural of such as legend himself located to the side of Nan Rices bar.
Did you see Marty Bogroll with Christmas Crackers in a Sainsbury bag hanging off his bike? It must be close to Christmas.
I've been waiting 4 Martys for my Friar Tucks! Mon' da fuck!
A local landscaping company in Massachusetts.
“Dude my grass is so green right now.” “Well you can thank Marty’s Landscaping HAHAHAHAHAH”
When a man gets pegged and doesn’t use enough lube it makes his rectum bleed
Did you hear Racheal gave Michael a bloody Marty
Laying low at the beginning and then just pouring it on later to fool your opponents.
Man did you see that team pull a Marty Maneuver during the football season?
Jose . ..a guy that loses money to Marty in pool
Jose is Martys bitch
Tis the name given to an individual who is speaking in a class call, however in the midst of their talking they let out the loudest, most wet sounding fart a person can make while still unmuted.
Any normal individual would leave, travel across the world and change their identity to avoid the shame and humiliation such an act would bring upon them. But, what truly makes one a Marty Farty, is that they do not leave. They instead continue to answer the question and act as if the entire ordeal never occurred.
It is obvious that one who holds the title of Marty Farty has no shame and regrets nothing, even coercing friends into performing sexual acts and believing they have the ability to say racial slurs despite not being part of said race.
Person A: This girl really told me she's going to "contact higher authorities if I don't stop staring at her."
Person B: God she sounds like a real Marty Farty