Source Code

Selective Texting

Reading and replying to text messages that interest you

Marie sent Johnny a text that said how was your weekend & I miss you. Johnny ignored the I miss you and answered about his weekend. He is selective texting back.

by Lifeisfullofgrapes July 12, 2013

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Texting Out

Making out or kissing through text messaging, used to indicate what you would do. EG, if you type *kisses lightly*, the response from your gf or gf might be *deepens kiss*
Commonly used between courting teens and flirtatious couples. See also Texting Out

Texting Out example
Amber: *kisses lightly*
Sam: *deepens kiss*
Amber *wraps arms around you*

you get the picture.

by ChillyPillz November 17, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who texts on their cellphone in really inappropriate places, like movie theatres, concerts, plays, or during sex.

1. The movie was great, except right during the best scene, this text-hole in front of me lit up his phone and started texting away.

2. We were humping away, and she started texting her friend. She was a certified text-hole.

by shootandrun August 14, 2007

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Text Pal

A person that you never talk to or see, but you just text with. Like a pen pal.

I've been chatting w/ my text pal all day.

by houstonsocialbutterfly June 30, 2009

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Late Text

We you have a one nite stand with a girl, and that following week she texts you that "I think i am late text.

Man 1: Man that girl i fucked last week just texted me that late text

Man 2: Damn, When she due

by Fuckyeabitches October 24, 2009

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Text Roulette

Grabbing a friends mobile when they go to the toilet etc and sending a random txt, for example.

"I've been keeping this a secret but, I wanna touch you."

Then holding your finger down on a the contacts, stop at random and send.

Delete the message from sent box before the friend returns.

Also known as Phrape

Hey Dave has left his phone on the table whilst nipping for a cig, let's play text roulette!

by Gilmanez November 10, 2010

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Text hoe

Text hoe is when a person texts multiple people at the same time with no attentions to be in a relationship, leads the people they are texting on

The text hoe was texting six guys last night.

by Stovey March 18, 2016

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