Its interesting what people have called democracy since 2020. Trying to force everybody to wear a mask anywhere they go is not democracy, its a nearly totalitarian government. People that think Biden is democracy are not as different from people that think Trump is democracy as they may think. Neither Biden nor Trump gives a fuck about them, and they'll never really see that, because they still think Biden is on a different side than Trump. Its two sides of the exact same coin, Democrat and Republican.
The reality of democracy is any rights you're not fighting for, you don't have. As long as you never wake up, the people calling themselves the government will take right after right away as long as nobody is governing them, reminding them that they are of the people, for the people (and not over the people), and the same is true of everyone else.
Democracy that is not much more than an illusion isn't much of a democracy.
As seen in Myanmar, someone being barred from an office legally won't keep them from trying to seize power illegally. Someone who wants to grab power badly enough isn't going to be concerned with what is legal or illegal. There is no guarantee people will never have to fight for a democracy again as they did before there were democracies.
Democracy isnt given away freely, nothing really is. Everything comes with a cost.
Voting isn't fighting. As long as people rely on voting to give them an illusion of democracy, they will never have any rights, because you don't have rights you havent fought for.
If people dont fight for it, no matter who is in office, everything and everyone will get shut down or locked down, and only the people shutting and locking everything down will have any rights.
Democracy sounds good, but people had to fight and bleed for it to make it a reality when someone first came up with the idea.
A form of government by the people either directly or through elected representatives.
Democracy is how the UK chooses it’s Prime Minister.
This is a democracy!
That project was a democracy!
A regime that hates you. And it is personal. For life.
When you are constantly unemployed, graduated with honors, "still..." perfectly healthy adult, that's a true, western democracy, bro.