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Obsessive Disney Disorder or O.D.D.

A psychological issue where going to Disney or memories of Disney are constantly on the brain. The person can often be found smiling for no reason, looking at All Access Disney and searching the Disney site on their computer for dining reservations, resorts, entertainment, fastpasses, dining plan, etc.

Symptoms of O.D.D.: 1. Constantly planning and booking new Disney trips. Most commonly planning your next trip as you are flying/driving home from Disney. 2. Daydream of family fun and laughter on rides, watching parades and the shows you love to watch over and over. 3. Extreme cravings for Dole Whips, Funnel Cakes, Mickey's pretzels and ice cream.

I have a severe case of Obsessive Disney Disorder or O.D.D.

by All Access Disney January 2, 2016

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Flashcard Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

FOCD is the term describing someone's need to turn every bit of information written down as notes into flashcards.

Kristen has Flashcard Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Have you seen her stack of index cards for spanish? It's gotta be half a foot tall!

by KristenThChitch February 3, 2009

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OSD - Obsessive Smiley Disorder

Kinda self-explanatory, its using a shit ton of smilies in every single one of your conversations online/texting.

=) =P 8D =0 =( =\ ^.^ ^.- <----this person has OSD - Obsessive Smiley Disorder

by The Real Dr. Robert March 27, 2010

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Katy Perry Obsessed Fangirl

Obsessed with six the musical
Won’t shut up about it
Kins nagito probably
But then again, we love them

Katy: guys..don’t lose your head..

Callum: here we go again Katy Perry Obsessed Fangirl

by The best bisexual August 31, 2021

Obsessive Carbon Copy Disorder

The compulsion to CC your boss or colleagues on every damn email you send!

The sufferer usually will usually tell you they do it to keep their boss "in the loop" but mostly it's just to prove they're working.

Commonly known as OCCD.

Why do I have 50 fucking emails from you today? Get your Obsessive Carbon Copy Disorder under control or I'll disable your email account.

by MaxVegas March 15, 2012

Obsessive Ebay Disorder

Constantly Buying stuff you dont need on Ebay just for the hell of it.

My co-worker has Obsessive Ebay Disorder, a.k.a OED he is always looing for deals on Ebay just for the hell of it.

by CB2k10 August 6, 2010

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Obsessive Compulsive Like Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Like disorder is a speech problem facing many stupid teenage girls today. It is when you insert the word like almost any place in your sentence while talking.

Brook: omg like, hey.

Glenna: Hey like, do u like know if he like, likes me?

Brook: He like, likes you, not like doesn't like, really like like you.

Glenna: Oh, I like get it now, like.

(example of Obsessive compulsive Like Disorder)

by Pussy Pirate69 February 15, 2009

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