to blow organ: Oh no, that pizza is gonna make me blow an organ.
I’m lactose intolerant, but I don’t care so I’m constantly blowing major organ.
Someone who doesn't look that great but is really great for you. No bad effects of dating and you have no regrets for time spent together. The man doesn't make you sick.
Girl1: I don't think Ajay looks hot
Girl2: I'm going for him. He's an organic dude
1. rough and passionate intercourse
2. violent and incontrollable dancing, typically hitting yourself in a way that would simulate the "shuffling" of organs
I can tell that girl got organ shuffled last night, she's walking like she had a baseball bat up her ass
another, more antiquated, but more appropriate name fora guy's penis
if you don't know that it's both your cajones as well as the accompanying phallic organ that are being removed when you are castrated or emasculated, you have a problem.
"Wasta" means "network" or "connections" in Arabic, usually in the context of finding a job. It has a negative connotation because most view it as kissing ass or schmoozing with the right people to get to the job/position/salary you want. It's also seen as cutting corners through a job application process if you know a guy high up to help you out.
But organic wasta is free from impurities: it's a genuine connection made with someone who decides later to help you out, for e.g. meeting people through friends, or at a wedding, etc.
Alia: Wow how'd you get that great new job? Was it through wasta?
Abood: No it's not like that, it was through organic wasta - I go to the same spinning class as the recruiter, and we've been friends for months before he suggested that I take this new role.
A friend that is so good you could not live without them. Also known as a 'Friend Organ'
Andrea: Yeah tiffany is so close to me were basically attached at the hip
Chad (from Chad Africa) Sounds like you have a Friend Organ.
when people discuss their latest surgeries in great detail, common with older folk at social gatherings
I'm trying to enjoy my food at this restaurant, but those old ladies are making me vomit with their organ recital.