It's a burmese curse word referring to penis. It can be used however you like just like "Fuck"
Lee pl. I can't find it
I didn't do well in exam. Lee pl
A PL-Drama is a Polish TV Series/Drama that indicates romance, exorcism, religious stories, ext.
A1: "Woah I love this PLD!"
A2: "What's a PLD?"
A1: "Polish Drama / PL-Drama"
A2: "Do you recommend them?"
A1: "No, they're kinda homphobic"
A1: "Wow, ja tak lubie ten P.L.D!"
A2: "Co to jest P.L.D?"
A1: "Polskie programy telewizyjne"
A2: "Czy ty to polacasz?"
A1: "Tak! Ja tak nie lubie gejow"
When you are so bored you type everything on the keyboard from right to left diagonally
UGH im so bored. im going to try and type every character on the keyboard but in a certain way. let me try "\'/;.pl,okmijnuhbygvtfcrdxeszwaq`1234567890-="
A homo canadian who can only wish he can play TFC.
DoH-MAD-pL sucks ass at TFC, eh?
a spectacular display of keyboard boredom, you probably searched this up after you found "qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm" or "mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq"
"oh wow I wonder if urban dictionary has qzxwasecvrdftbnyghum,ijko./pl;"
a roblox game for poor kids aka me. "PLS DONATE OR I KILL" "DONATE = BLIMP" "I GIVE MILLION ROBUX IF U PLS DONATE W W W" are common scams inside of PLS DONATE.
"PLS DONATE OR I KILL" "DONATE = BLIMP" "I GIVE MILLION ROBUX IF U PLS DONATE W W W" are common scams inside of PLS DONATE. do not donate to people who say these things.
Boredom at its finest, hell I was soo bored that the computer admins at my school thought I was a bot
Person 1: `\1qaz'/2wsx=;.3edc-pl,4rfv0okm5tgb9ijn6yh8u7
Person 1: Wow that was a waste of time
Person 1: .............
Person 1: We go again