The fuckboy all the girls are falling for but he just has his mind for one girl.
- Ohh, did you see that thing that happended the other night? A fuckboy had all the girls att the party on hes side but he only looked at one girl.
-He has to be a Penetrator-Chris.
When some guys want to fuck the same girl
Honza: Hey nigga, this girl is nice.
Filip: Nigga stfu i will penetrate her not you mustyass nigga.
Martin: Niggas we should fuck her together!!
Honza: Hell yeah! We'll be penetration bros!
"It's the papaya penetrator! Someone call the president!"
The act of slowly, softly, comfortably, consenting (recommended, though not needed) sexy, and sliding of ones thick, hard, stiff, twitching, convulsing, vain, blood rushing, red cell rush, of a huge, small, and well sized shlong, which slowly slides inside a tight man pussy (if she contains a forest) or a regular pussy (a deforested Amazon)
You fam, I had some sweet penetration by my girlfriend, honestly I was scared when she brought out the strap, but honestly, it felt pretty good 10/10 would recommend
When something stabs through something
Penetrating a balloon with a needle
“Damn, the knife penetrated through her torso very swiftly.”
Sticking the penis in the mouth vagina and anus
Last night I triple penetrated Brooke
if you have ever devoured the inside of ur lip and felt joy in the pain of it and drank the blood and saliva that came with it u have this kink classified as mild cannibalism
“yo baby girl lets get into sum freaky shi…” “like? 🥺” “teeth penetration 😈”