8th of April every month is the national prank call day, where you can call any number and prank them and easily get away with it
Aw dude! Today is National Prank-call Day, we should order a pizza from 999!
When one male performs oral sex on another male as a practical joke. Usually the act is followed up with one male saying "totally pranked you bro", therefore not making it a homosexuality act.
Male 1: "I totally tricked Steve into letting me suck his dick"
Male 2: "isn't that a little gay?"
Male 1: " Nah dude, it was a prank job. Totally not gay"
This word is an inappropriate word. Please do not use this word.
I am Prank/Pranking you right now.
The opposite to a prank call; the act of using the SMS texting feature on a mobile telephone to intentionally troll another party.
I'm going to prank text my friend a fake emergency alert!
You know the thing about prank day is, when it doesn't go according to plan... everyone loses their minds!
some dude: Yesterday I lost all of my friends on prank day
9th of December is prank day, you prank your loved ones on this day
AT: "i dont like you, we are not compatible"
Kevin: "我很傷心"
AT: "get pranked is prank day"
today is a funny day where u prank ur loved ones break up with ur significant others lol
AT: "were not compatible"
Achan: "oh-"
AT: "get pranked is prank day"