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piggyback protester

A person who joins a march, demonstration or protest to voice his concern or frustration about an unrelated issue.

There was a peaceful May Day march in Seattle last year, but many piggyback protesters got involved and things became violent.

by FreyerTuck April 27, 2016

protestant mathematics

A collection of mathematical formulae which seem to be correct but they are not.

The formula (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 is a typical case of protestant mathematics.

by Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude November 24, 2022

protest pro

One who arbitrarily and quite nomadically travels to areas outside their region of dwelling to "protest", or really, moreover to incite riots and violence. These people are typically paid minions of terrorist organizations like BLM and ANTIFA who don't actually have a vested interest in the cause of other peaceful demonstrators- they are simply there to do harm by any means available.

"Anything good on TV?"
"Nope- just rerun sitcoms and protest pros on the news."

by This is the girl June 2, 2020

Statue protests

Protesting a Confederate statue is not the same thing as protesting the death of a man in 2020. The death of George Floyd happened in Minnesota, a northern state, and was unrelated to the Civil War. The average soldier in the civil war wasnt fighting to defend slavery, since they weren't wealthy enough to own slaves. These were poor and middle class soldiers who were mostly concerned about their own families way of life, and not soldiers who thought that slavery or the way of life of a wealthy slaveowner was right. The civil war wasnt really about slavery in the first place, slavery just became Lincoln's public relations campaign cause to gain popular support so he could get control of the southern states back. Lincoln didnt really care about whether people were enslaved or not, yet black people treat him as a hero, and treat anything that even symbolizes the confederacy as the enemy because of what it represents, and not because any of these privates or enlisted confederate soldiers actually did any wrong to their people. It was the wealthy slaveowners and the slave traders who displaced them, tortured them, killed them, and sometimes the KKK, and with many unknown identities in the KKK, theres not much way to know whether many of the KKK had had any ties to the confederate army.

Statue protests are about as far off the subject of george floyd's death as you can get, but a lot of people want to think of anything and everything they hate at one time, instead of focusing on what they're really protesting for in the first place. People who think what was done to george floyd was wrong dont have to agree that anything else a protestor thinks must also be true because they're still angry about george floyd and lockdown all at once. A confederate statue outside of a courthouse is not the same thing as putting up a confederate statue in a black neighborhood, it wasnt put there for the reason some black people are saying it was put there, to stir them up. Theres a reason a statue of MLK is across the street from a confederate statue, if you want one removed, you might as well want them both removed, and say they all upset people too much to be remembered or heard about.

by Solid Mantis June 9, 2020

Statue protests

Statue protests never had anything to do with George Floyd's death. The one thing thing Confederate statues to George Floyd's death is strings of misinformation about what the Confederacy was and why there was a Civil War in America. America is not the only country that has ever had a civil war, and the reason is usually who gets what, not some idealistic and lofty cause like abolition or human rights.

Statue protests have as much to do with George Floyd's death as penguins have to do with the North pole.

by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020

Statue protests

Statue protests never had anything to do with George Floyd's death. The one thing thing Confederate statues to George Floyd's death is strings of misinformation about what the Confederacy was and why there was a Civil War in America. America is not the only country that has ever had a civil war, and the reason is usually who gets what, not some idealistic and lofty cause like abolition or human rights (as good as it sounds).

Statue protests have as much to do with George Floyd's death as penguins have to do with the North pole.

by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020

Statue protests

Statue protests never had anything to do with George Floyd's death. The one thing thing Confederate statues to George Floyd's death is strings of misinformation about what the Confederacy was and why there was a Civil War in America.

Statue protests have as much to do with George Floyd's death as penguins have to do with the North pole.

by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020