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Samantha is a girl. She is very pretty and has blond hair. She very positive, nice,caring, lovely person. She has pale skin that turns red when she's embarrassed. She never forgets a birthday and always makes you smile. She listens to the shit you say and makes everything better.

She helps you with little breakups and MAJOR breakups to rumors about you. She is very polite and gets good grades and inspires everyone around her. She is GOALS.

She doesn't get into many relationships. She is a loner and she's fine with it. If she does have a crush it's for a reason or something that sparks her memory of the past.

If you do find a Samantha and you fall in love with her, don't make a big plan to ask her out. Make it simple and quit and gentle. Don't go out telling everyone. Keep your relationship on the down low til she get comfortable.

This girl is amazing friend you are very lucky if you have her around. Never let her go. Let her be herself. Don't shame her in any way. And she might give you the blessing of the perfect life.

I was blessed by Samantha and I haven't had a bad day in a month.

Samantha, she kind and sweet. And helps anyone that is need.

by Never forget me February 26, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž



Alyssa; i thought you didn't like Kimberly?
Samantha: I don't
Alyssa; But you guys were just hanging out??

by Kool.Cid:) May 15, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A total bitch. She steels ur friends and then talks behind their backs..

Girl1: omg see that girl over there.. She called my friend a hoe
Girl2: she is a total Samantha

by Donut17 February 28, 2016

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The epitome of white trash

an ugly crackhead slut who will screw anyone for materialistic or monetary exchanges.

Guy: hey i'll take you shopping
Samantha: *gives blowjob*

by Sweetnessxox March 5, 2009

118๐Ÿ‘ 500๐Ÿ‘Ž


usually mean sometimes easy to get along with can usually be a bitch a slut is a little cute wears to much make-up is boring

that girl samantha is totally mean

i know shes a bitch

i know

by yo mmmmmaaaaammmaaaaaaa October 17, 2008

107๐Ÿ‘ 458๐Ÿ‘Ž


she is a typical girl or guy that likes to eat bricks and drink blood. She is one of those girls/guys that used to love to watch barney, caillou, dora, elmo, teletubbies, ni hao kai lan, go diego go, and curious george and still do. one of those girls. She is one of those girls that love to make weird noises, scream, and dab. A Samantha is usually a weird girl with a sexy booty and loves to show skin. she loves to make awkward, bad, sexual jokes.

That girl is such a Samantha with those jokes.

by thedabbingwombat May 24, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


She is a wanna-be. She poses to be a bad girl when really she is a scared little bitch. She is easily intimidated and insecure of herself. Her only talent is chasing men away and being fake. She almost looks like a mixture of a chipmunk and the Clown character from the movie "Saw." She is conceited for no good reason at all. Easily intimidated. She stalks the people she hates and copies off them and their style because she knows they are better than her. She claims to be classy but she talks like she is from the ghetto and is very proud of it. She is immature and needs a reality check asap!

Wow she copied me again! She just did a Samantha!

by uenvymebitch February 4, 2010

74๐Ÿ‘ 313๐Ÿ‘Ž