Zodiac sign symbol for Irelynnese people.
Irelynnese people: I am Shadow (irelynnese sign)
A zodiac sign calendar, zodiac symbol, or zodiac sign for Irelynnese people. It applies to all Irelynnese people.
Irelynnese people: I am Shadow (irelynnese sign)
Female who goes to sport events or concerts with slutty terms on their signs in order to get the athlete’s or performers attention
What a sign slut! Is that a “Marry Me Derek Jeter” sign
Does her sign say “Face Fuck Me Finn”
Really with the “Angry Roman Gives Me Ladywood” sign?! That’s what I call a sign slut
Medical lingo. An extension of the O-sign from the book, The House of God. An ill patient in an ICU setting has their mouth hanging open, with their tongue hanging out, stimulating a capital Q visually. It is quietly considered along a decline from O-sign, to Q-sign, to intubation or death.
"Mr Jones in 7 does not have long to live. He progressed from O to Q-sign this morning"
This was first invented by the the fucken lose unit Cody Schofield. It gives that sign you stole another lease of life, by far the sickest and most legendary way to sink piss at your next party 🍻
This sick cunt did some sign chugging at last week's party
the equivalent of stfu and go fuck yourself, depending on the context of the convrsation
You may as well SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF
do me a favor and SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF
larry signs are usually what gracies give out. larry signs represent happiness and friendship.
That girl is such a gracie. She even gave me and my frirnds larry signs.