This needs a fixing. Here's a proper version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never define someone's name or post people’s personal information.
Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
You can't hate names, but you can define them in a good way, like 'Paul is a sex god and will beat up any bullies'. Like if moderators don't already have a lot of work
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Something about Urban dictionary policies you should know before posting
Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
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Pov: you can't think of anything original
Urban dictionary: Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
users: ok
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never post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal information
never post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal informationnever post hate speech or people’s personal information never post hate speech or people’s personal information
A made up term by sexually confused tiktokers and "school teachers" who believe a different opinion makes you LITERALLY HITLER!!!!. These ghouls usually can be seen gushing over "celebrities" like Taylor Swift whilst taking there 10th covid vaccine of the week.
Hate speech can consist of any statement such as " There are only men and women" or Donald Trump was an actual president. Such takes will almost certainly cause the FBI to show up on your doorstep and begin questioning you at gunpoint.
The pink haired land mammoths and bug eating residents of San Francisco will preach from the highest abortion pile to tell others that they are spreading hate speech, all the while supporting terrorist groups, veganism, Hasan Piker, as well as laugh at Stephen Colbert jokes which were written by 100 unfunny Hollywood writers.
Normal citizen: Hey bro, kids shouldnt be exposed to tips touching in pre school.
Blue haired gunt monster with sour cream tits: THATS HATE SPEECH YOU NAZI FASCIST WHITE SUPREMACIST!
A derogatory term used by left-wingers to denote and suppress any opinion or fact that is contradictory towards their anti-white, anti-straight, anti-male and anti-economic propaganda. Basically a justification for censorship of right-wing and conservative speech.
- I was banned from Facebook today, for "posting hate speech".
- It's the leftists that want to suppress anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda.
You have the right to say anything, as defined by the 1st. amendment of the US Constitution. So it follows that there is no hate speech, there's only speech that you hate. The speaker doesn't display hate, only the listener does, up to and including the threat of force to silence the speaker.
There is no hate speech, there's only speech that you hate.