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A blunt that's shorter than half but longer than a roach

My homegirl couldn't hit the spliff with her long fingernails.

by Lulalupast22@2020 March 6, 2020


A spliff is a cigarette emptied out and then filled back up with marijuanna.

1- "oi, you got any papers? I forgot mine"
2- "nah bud, i've got ciggies if you wanna spliff."
1- "hell yea!"

by RileyZoot November 7, 2018


A Blunt with cocaine sprinkled on it

Let's smoke a spliff

by The man who knows it October 25, 2009


A low quality tobacco-cannabis rolled cigarette. Because the owner couldn’t wait until the bud properly cures. So he can roll pure joint

Yesterday i smoked a spliff and thought it would be good

by Smokerukdrill August 17, 2023


either a bowl or bong or any sort of wrap with both weed and tobacco or cigarette guts.
Its actually disgusting
the following quote is a true story

Z at a 4/10"hey yo homie, hit these greens"
J at a 8/10"Hell yea dude lets get greens"
takes hit
J "that is nasty what is that"
Z"its a spliff dude, you just got hella nicotine"

by TheTokeSpy May 13, 2018


Put one’s security at major risk

Mf keep talking shit im finna spliff yo ass

by Zaddy Papi April 27, 2022


Otherwise known as “rizz” just something a lot of you niggas don’t got😭😭

That young man has “SPLIFF!”…..

by ReefSetDaTrend March 11, 2022