1.A phrase when you use when you really don't give a crap about what a person is saying.
2.A sarcastic phrase you use when you don't believe something.
1. Charles: I love biscuits!
Ross: Yeah ok.
2. Marvin: I think I look pretty swell today!
Tracey: Yeah ok.
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An exclamation made by a person who does not follow or comprehend an explanation made by someone else. Usually by stupidity or plain ignorance.
Smart Guy: "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to join the Chess Club with me, it will be fun. What do you say about it?"
Shirtless Guy: "YEAH, JERSEY SHORE, YEAH!"
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A reply to someone saying sarcastically, "Yeah, right." Instead of getting defensive, this remark is doubally sarcastic. If somebody's being stuck up and thinks they're cool by being sarcastic, saying this will make them reallly mad because they know they've been defeated.
Aimee: Guess what?
Brianna: Chicken butt. No, I lied. What?
Aimee: My basketball team just won the high school championships!
Brianna: Yeah right. (sarcastically)
Aimee: Yeah, right! (enthusiastically) I'm so glad you understand!
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A ‘yeah mate moment’ occurs when your brain thinks too fast for your mouth, or your mouth speaks too fast for your brain, and you end up saying some shit that makes no sense. People who have these moments are referred to as ‘yeah mates’. The term ‘yeah mate’ can also be used when someone physically does a dumb thing. Yeah mate moments come in different category’s (common, rare etc.) depending on how special they sound and how funny they are to laugh at.
Example 1-
John: *Punches Mike*
Nathan: “John’s getting on his fight”
John: “Nathan’s a yeah mate”
Example 2-
Nathan: *Comes running out of the bathroom* “Guys, a toilet is just filled with shit and no paper, which means someone didn’t wipe”
John: “Why would anyone not wipe their pant”
Nathan “John just had a yeah mate moment”
Example 3-
Mike: *Chucks an apple into the window of the classroom where detention is being held at school*
Nathan: “YEAH MATE!”
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hell yeah but with a southern twist
Jake: You tryna get crunk this weekend?
Stephen: Well dale yeah
Every student at the end of their presentation.
"So that's how the slaves were freed and uh yeah"
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To be excited about something u enjoy
We are playing cool maths games in class FUCK Yeah
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