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Tik Tok

The biggest war crime on a app to exist yet. Consists of young people constantly doing dances.

Tik Tok is such a bad app, mark my words...

by Jaeger_Battalion January 5, 2021

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Tik Tok

Cringy social media app for creating and sharing videos, you can even stream.

Hmm... There are too many unfunny memes on Tik Tok

by reorders December 30, 2019

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Tik tok

Tik tok is the best follow me please it is @_ugly..person_

Tik tok is a fun game so follow me

by My cat is cuter then your October 26, 2019

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Tik Tok

A great app. Tik Tok is a social media platform that a ton of teenagers use every day. Teenagers spend multiple hours a day and stay up till 3 am watching tik tok. Tik tok is a platform in which teenagers can express themselves and allow creativity to take over. There are a ton of famous people on Tik Tok such as Charli Damelio, k0uvr, Alex Warren, Zoe LaVerne, Cody Orlove, and many more. There are also many tik tok houses, which is a house made of tik tokers. An example of a tik tok house is The Hype House. Tik Tok is a great social media platform and is often used to spread awareness about people's anxiety, depression, and multiple other mental illnesses. There is also a bunch of people dancing and being themselves. I love tik to because of all the positivity that is being spread. I recommend people joining tik tok as well.

Hey did you see this new app named TikTok?
No, I haven't what is it about?
First tik tok is amazing, and you should definitely try it out

by ...SOMEONE_S May 19, 2020

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Tik Tok

The place Furries, Cosplayers, E-girls, Regular people, Rich Jerks, Memesters, And Autists get along.
Nope Nevermind we're all at war now get rekt
Fuck that, Now we want old tiktok/2018 tiktok

Literally any person ever: Do you hate Tik Tok?

Someone else? Yes

by Midnight287 October 14, 2019

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Tik Tok

1. An app used primarily for making short videos for fake internet points
2. An infinitely worse version of Vine
3. An app used only by normies

See also: stupid, cancer

Tik Tok bad, Reddit good.

by Anime_Memer69420 June 23, 2020

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Tik Tok

A app everyone gets as a joke and becomes fucking addicted to it.

Ryle: what are you doing? It’s 1 am

Sunisa : watching tik tok look!

by KoolKatJade November 6, 2019

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