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Canadian Thanksgiving

When one continually apologizes during sex or any sexual act.

Nice guy but when he took me home it’s was a real Canadian Thanksgiving “Oh baby oh baby, I’m sorry. Thank you, that’s the spot, I’m sorry”

by Eldon John October 7, 2021

Canadian Thanksgiving

A Canadian Thanksgiving is when you and a group of friends break into a basketball arena to jerk off on a poster of the 2019 Golden State Warriors while everyone does their best Kawhi Leonard media day laugh impersonation. The last person to finish has to bury any evidence of the crime under a Canadian School. If the crime goes unpunished for a generation, a successful Canadian Thanksgiving has occurred.

Gordon’s Kawhi laugh was so good last night I couldn’t finish and had to take the bag of DNA to Kamloops to bury for the Canadian Thanksgiving.

by Funkmaster Gordon November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving parade

A parade usually held during the day, whether it's the Macy's parade in New York or a smaller parade in another city or town. There's a reason the parades have already been successful throught the years they have held them without having to change their scheduleThe , people can already see the floats without having to waste a ton of money to light them up, and they can see the bands and people walking during the day, so it makes sense the parades have always been held during the daytime. A New Years celebration is held at night because the focal point pf the parade is a lit ball, peach, or other object on a building, instead of down on the street with the crowd, so it makes sense for a New Years celebration to be held at night, and not a Thanksgiving parade.

The girl wanted to take the Thanksgiving parade in it's current form from the people who had always known it the way it was, along with many other things. That was the reason (essentially no reason but to be inflammatory and piss everybody off) she wanted the parade, or street signs, or other things they loved about their town the way they were to change to something they didn't recognize.

by Solid Mantis February 8, 2021

Prepearing the thanksgiving feast

The act of having sex with a turkey that has been prepared for consumption, could also be said as stuffing the turkey.

Last night I was prepearing the thanksgiving feast when my mom walked in and called the police on me, now I'm on probation.

by WalterTar November 25, 2024

Thanksgiving Day Parade

Daytime has always been a good enough time for a parade for most people of generation after generation from cities all over countries that celebrate Thanksgiving, yet some people don't feel like they have enough complete control over events, and try to push it to the night time in some areas (the same people that push people with extended mandates and restrictions that force longtime and loved businesses to close so they can purchase the land for cheap and redevelop it into something they see more dollar signs in).

Somebody must think that all the people that held their Thanksgiving Day parade during the day before them were old school idiots that didn't know how to have a good time, even though people always loved the daytime parades and didn't really want their hearts or minds changed for them.

by The Original Agahnim November 17, 2021

Thanksgiving recovery

The day after thanksgiving where men need to eat but all the food is gone so they eat ass instead

Josh needed to recover from thanksgiving so he called Stacy over to fix his thanksgiving recovery

by Joshhill14 November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving Day

The day where you sacrifice a turkey

Person 1: Hey Dude Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Person 2: Happy Turkey Sacrifice Day To You Too!
Person 1: What?
Person 2: Thanksgiving Day is basically the day where you sacrifice a turkey.

by That one tall chick named Rae November 19, 2019

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