98% of the internet
Dude check out this funny meme I made!
Oh wow, that's a repost from hundreds of other people
The reason the universe was made. Memes are the foundation of our universe, and should not be taken lightly when at full capacity,
g1 memes suck
g2 well ur granny tranny
how you can instantly get better from any sadness and sickness
I was sick yesterday but I got better reading memes
Stuff from the internet that the 2 youngest generations (Millenials and Zoomers) will find funny. Older generations will not understand memes and if they do, they're usually Dead memes.
Kid: Hey Grandpa! Look at these Memes, they're so funny!
Kid's grandpa: What's a me me?
when your depressed it will be cured by memes
If you dont laugh you have no soul
Other Funny Stupid Stuff
Person 1: Wow that guy is so good at Editing!
Me: No me Bitch!
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