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ugly bat

Exactly like an ugly stick, except it's effects of ugly are much greater.

Steve: "Oh man, that girl's boyfriend sure got hit in the face by an ugly bat."
Bob: "Yeah, she only likes him for his money."

by Reallynotnick February 9, 2008

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Trailer Bat

A nasty, slutty and classless woman. A woman of poor hygiene and of poor taste. A female of low education, low intellect and little to no moral or ethical values.

A women who wears white jeans, big hair, a half shirt, is loud and sleeps around...is a trailer bat.

"That girl over at the bar is doable..." "Yeah, but look at her, she's a total trailer bat."

by Janesamania October 23, 2009

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To take a short nap during the daytime hours (best in the afternoon) in order to maintain a healthy routine or to prepare from any additional events that would otherwise drain much-needed energy.
Does not necessarilly mean hanging upside-down while sleeping.

"I'm going to go see Joesph D'Angeli later, so I need a bat-nap before we go."

by The Horn'd One November 30, 2009

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bat dick

When your uncircumcised and your excess skin hangs like 3 feet

Laura said that last week when she fucked billy that he had bat dick so bad it added 3 inches to his penis.

by DILLWILLPICKLE August 31, 2018

Bats and bowls

If a person 'bats and bowls', they are bisexual.

Similar to the phrase 'bats for both teams', this expression derives from the sport of cricket in which there are, broadly speaking, two types of players: those who bat and those who bowl.

Person 1: "Victor asked Samantha out not realizing that she isn't into guys."

Person 2: "Nah, he had a shot because I think Samantha both bats and bowls."

by gooseyganda October 25, 2020


the deadliest weapons in the batman's arsenal, (even though they make him look pretty GAAEEE!!!)

oof, (dem bat-nips tho). the epicness of batman's BAT-NIPPLES!!!!!!

by epic dankness April 30, 2019

Bat Wing

When your nutsack is so sweaty it sticks to your legs and resembles a bat wing

The breeze in here feels pretty good, it's blowIng against my bat wing

by Bohndo December 25, 2016