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Now that’s a classic Rob quote

A outright offensive quote usaully aimed at other races or those with disabilities.

“I don’t f*** reta***!”
Everyone’ “Now that’s a classic Rob quote”

by Gamerguy977278 December 7, 2018

Rooster quote

It is also "Rooster argument". The origin comes from the callsign of Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster" from movie Top Gun: Maverick. In the movie, Rooster and his pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell escape a hostile airbase using a F-14A Tomcat before being intercepted by a pair of 5th-Generation Sukhoi Su-57 Felon fighters. Maverick says that the F-14A objectively cannot handle a 5th-Gen fighter but Rooster refutes by dropping the famous quote: "It's not the plane, it's the pilot". (Rooster also said this earlier in the film where he got furious towards Maverick pulling out his papers in the academy.)

A lot of the people who are into military aviation (especially in video games) who debate the 'hard factors' of an aircraft (i.e. debating the flight performance of the F-86F vs MiG-15bis) will usually use this quote to refute the argument based on their skill or in general. Completely ignoring the point of the argument just so they feel better.

Kyle: "According to the data I gathered, this plane has a better thrust to weight ratio and turn rate than this other plane..."
Tim: "Doesn't matter. It depends on who is flying it."
Kyle: "Are you really gonna drop the Rooster quote?"

by StarBeatShuwa-APFSDSType10 December 12, 2022

Quote Gibbs

When you say something so racist and you think someone might of overheard you so you say Quote Gibbs to cover up your racism.

Me: Everything Hitler did was ok with me. He didn't go far enough.
Someone over hears your racism
Me covering up my racism :Quote Gibbs

by hello fr October 14, 2023

Don quote

A sentence from one of your friends that is so stupid but funny, it becomes quotable.

The music is too loud, I can’t see anything!”
“Don quote!”

by lobo99 August 12, 2021

Air quotes

Used to emphasise a particular word in a sentence when speaking to draw attention to it not being used in the actual sense

I am totally(with air quotes) going to Meki's wedding.

by JB Delaine June 8, 2019

Quote fishing

Quote fishing is a word referring to the act of somebody posting or making a “quote” that they think is meaningful but in actuality it’s just forced, on their story with the hope of it being screenshot and going “viral”

Example include: “iF yOu diDn’T sPEak tO mE in LOcKdOWn dOn’T sPeaK to mE aT scHOol”

She thought she was doing sum with that but you can clearly tell she’s “quote fishing

by Not toomz September 9, 2020

Quote fiend

Someone who is obsessed with posting quotes all the time, but takes no action.

Fiend: an enthusiast or devotee of a particular thing

Posts 100 quotes on social media about getting out the hood. Still doesn’t do anything about it.

You’re such a “quote fiend

by Black Bezos July 3, 2021