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Irelynnese sign

A zodiac sign calendar, zodiac symbol, or zodiac sign for Irelynnese people. It applies to all Irelynnese people.

Irelynnese people: I am Shadow (irelynnese sign)

by Irelynn Irelynnese July 2, 2023

[[SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF]]


the equivalent of stfu and go fuck yourself, depending on the context of the convrsation

You may as well SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF
do me a favor and SIGN IN AND $#$% OFF

by inint8203 July 23, 2023

sign ape

someone who doesn't know shit about signs

goddamn sign apes designed this wrong and it's not fitting

by Sew_of_side July 21, 2017

W sign

W sign means you're winning in your life

He show us a W sign he must be winning on his life

by Beeeeeerruuuus September 12, 2022

Restroom Sign

What one would consider oneself if they found their male or female counterpart. Can vary from different people but counterparts must have several similar traits to each other with the exception of gender. Originates from the fact that the restroom has a sign which shows a man and a woman looking almost alike.

It's nothing to be ashamed of because it meant that there's someone like you out there. But if you had someone who's the member of the opposite sex and you both were too much alike, it might be freaky.

Girl A: Hey, I found out about one of our favorite musicians biography.
Girl B: Well what is it?
Girl A: It says here he's into films about dogs, has Caucasian and Hispanic ancestry, and he's professional at dancing.
Girl B: *Looks at the info* Oh dear....I think I might become a restroom sign because of that.
Girl A: Now that's interesting.

by Mariposa24 August 11, 2012

Signs of a Hydropath

• they are in jail and prison a lot
• they committed crimes as a child

• they have at least one addiction
• they do illegal ways to get money

• they are in gangs
• they have criminal rolemodels

The signs of a hydropath

by 459395 April 25, 2022

larry signs

larry signs are usually what gracies give out. larry signs represent happiness and friendship.

That girl is such a gracie. She even gave me and my frirnds larry signs.

by hihippie January 20, 2018