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Living Bomb

1. a suicide bomber
2. a bomb that is somehow attached to something living

In desperation, he became a living bomb.

by California1978a July 28, 2008

Power living

The concept of, when waiting for some distant goal, mentally forcing yourself to span that time quickly.

Steve: Dude, second semester went by so fast, I can't believe it's already summer.
Bob: Yeah, I've been power living since winter break.

by Stevebobtom January 30, 2011

Live Bait

"Live Bait" is a wing-man position. It is something you would call a guy who is good looking, but will never make the move on a girl. So you would use him to reel in the cute girls, and then his friend would pull out "catch" and go home with the girl.

Man Jared makes good Live Bait at the bars.
Jeremy would you mind playing as the Live Bait tonight?

by SmoothSkeleton March 31, 2013

Live Pause

A Term which was born through an NZ ad used when an attractive female passes by and has to stop to do something (i.e re adjust)

Guy one: "Check her"
Guy Two: "I bloody love live pause"

by WHayze January 30, 2009

syph living

Living in a general state of dirtiness. Personal hygiene is something seriously lacking.

when I saw the dirt under his finger nails I concluded he was syph living.

by Eddie G Funk February 6, 2015

binge living

Long periods of (70+ hour) weeks at work followed by short amounts of time off (1-2 days) that consist of poor decisions, consumption of large amounts of alcohol and disgusting amounts of food and regret.

"Ever since MIKE started working all these hours he's been binge living real hard outside of work."

by Thatguyoverthere August 31, 2017


A movement in shared living where people adapt a more flexible leasing structure and practice increased engagement with the household in order to form more meaningful connections with housemates and the general community—regardless of the duration of stay. Co-living can take many forms from shared apartment buildings to shared houses or individual apartments, and it’s particularly gaining traction in areas with a high cost of living, like SF and NYC. Because the rentals can be short- or long-term, it’s increasingly common among younger demographics seeking more meaningful, interconnected lifestyles or travelers who want to immerse themselves in a new city or culture.

I want to find a roommate who embraces co-living, who likes to cook together and share their experiences, rather than someone who treats our home as just a place to stay.

by Roomi November 12, 2015